Seven-week old Aleena Mary Yousif brought a little ray of sunshine into the Tyburn convent at Riverstone when she was baptised there by its chaplain Fr John Rizzo last week.
For parents Jacinta and Alan Yousif it was a “very special” moment to see Mother Marie-Pierre and her community of cloistered nuns shower their first-born child with affection on the day she entered God’s family.
The contemplative women have accompanied their friends through engagement, marriage and Jacinta’s pregnancy, even receiving a visit from them on their wedding day, as reported in The Catholic Weekly.
This time both the Yousif and Harb families met the nuns at the convent chapel for Aleena’s baptism.
“The nuns were praying for us throughout the whole pregnancy and it’s like having a whole team of godmothers for Aleena,” Jacinta said.
“It was really lovely to take her there for her baptism, and they really loved it as well.
“I think it was quite emotional for them too, because even though they never leave their convent they witnessed our wedding day and feel part of our journey.
“We all lined up for a photo at one point and I looked over to them and they were all looking at Aleena and smiling at her instead of the camera and that was a really special moment.”
As a baptism gift, the community gave Aleena, who is named after St Helena and Our Lady, a gold miraculous medal bearing the image of her namesake.
Both parents have a strong devotion to Mary “the Queen of Heaven” and Jacinta, her mother, and grandmother all have Mary as their second name.
“It was a tremendous joy for us that our dear friends wanted to have Aleena’s baptism here,” said Mother Marie-Pierre.
“It’s not often that we witness the sacrament of baptism being administered, so it was a real privilege for us to be able to marvel at the wonders worked in her soul as she was transformed into a child of God.
“It was a very moving ceremony. Aleena has a special place in our prayers.”
The young couple were married in July 2023 and shared their joy with The Catholic Weekly, which published their wedding photo taken with the nuns on the convent grounds.
The couple went straight from their nuptial Mass at St Madeleine’s church, Kenthurst, to the strictly-enclosed community.
“They have given up everything to stay with Our Lord in the Blessed Sacrament,” Mrs Yousif said at the time.
“My gift is of myself to my spouse. Both vocations are so important and both need the sacraments.
“It means everything to Alan and myself to know that we come up in their prayers and there’s no better way to start a sacramental marriage and hope to begin a family than to surround it with prayer.”