It’s not only Gen Y that is becoming increasingly involved in the pro-life movement.
A special training day for the parents of young pro-life volunteers has been organised after many expressed a desire to receive the same formation on pro-life issues as their children.
LifeChoice Australia and the Life, Marriage and Family Centre will offer the one-day course on Saturday 16 February at an inner western Sydney venue.
The training aims to equip people to “speak confidently and compassionately about abortion and euthanasia.”
“The Pro-life Action Training Day came about as a result of students telling their parents about the educational opportunities they were receiving through LifeChoice,” Director of LifeChoice Australia, Rebecca Gosper, told The Catholic Weekly.

“Through this, many parents realised the gaps in their own knowledge and wanted to do something to rectify this, and from there the Pro-life Action Training Day was conceived (excuse the pun!).
“When approached by a woman in a crisis pregnancy situation or someone brings up the topic of abortion, it’s common for people to shy away from answering those tough questions. The Pro-Life Action Training Day will equip adults with the knowledge they need to defend their pro-life views with confidence and compassion.”
The training day will be presented by internationally renowned speaker, Brendan Malone.
“Brendan Malone is an incredibly talented New Zealand based speaker,” Ms Gosper said. “He has toured around Australia and New Zealand multiple times to speak about bioethics.

“His guidance has been critical to the success of LifeChoice over the years and his talent for voicing the truth with compassion makes him a leading voice in the pro-life arena.
Ms Gosper recently took part in the March for Life in Washington, attended by hundreds of thousands of people. The event attracts huge numbers of young people every year.
“The pro-life youth of Australia continued to grow throughout 2018 and then just last week an Australian contingent of school students, school teachers, university students and young professionals attended the March for Life in Washington DC,” Ms Gosper said.

“The pro-life movement is undoubtedly growing in Australia. First we defeated the Faruqi abortion bill in 2017 with a petition of 56,559 signatures against the bill.
“Australians are starting to wake up to the devastating reality of abortion and we all have a part to play in ending the greatest human rights abuse of our time. Abortion ends the life of one and scars the life of another. Every single one of us is called to love both mother and child, regardless of the circumstances of that child’s conception.
“We will build a pro-life generation in Australia, I have no doubt about this but education will be absolutely critical to our success.”
To register for the Pro-Life Training Day: www.trybooking.com/ZZAZ