Catholic Mass Times is one of the world’s most popular apps for finding nearby Catholic churches and Mass times.
The app is available in nine languages and shows Mass schedules and parish events at churches all around the world, from Asia to every state in the US.
“We started 10 years ago,” said Pablo Licheri, creator of the app.
“We started in Buenos Aires with only 200 or 300 churches in the city and it grew little by little, with a lot of effort. The users themselves sent us more information and recommended it and so it grew.”
Users can point out if a parish has changed its schedule, which is then updated by the managing team of the app.
Pablo said in the early stages, he contacted dioceses and bishops’ conference. But he soon found that in many places, they do not have enough resources to offer an online service like this.
So, he hopes “Catholic Mass Times” will fill this gap and help Christians grow in devotion.