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Tuesday, January 14, 2025
23.1 C

God delivered love when I needed it

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Woman prays in the pews of a church.
Being alone when you believe you are called to marriage can be difficult – very difficult. The secret is to trust completely in God.

The reality of looking for Mr Right

As I was approaching the BIG 30 I heard it said, “If you’re unhappy as a single, you’ll take that disposition into your married life!”

Having heard that, I decided to keep a positive attitude, believing that eventually I would meet someone.

As well as immersing myself in numerous church activities, I spent many, many Saturday nights throughout my 30’s ‘catching up’ with girlfriends at hotels, discos and nightclubs.

We all hoped we would meet up with some ‘decent fellers.’ But rarely did I meet any men who I felt were the calibre I wanted in a husband.

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With the benefit of hindsight, these nights were really wasted ventures; the music was so loud my girlfriends and I could hardly hear one another talk.

In my late 30’s I began a relationship with a good catholic man I met at a church tennis social. When that relationship didn’t work out at the age of 39 the thought began to creep into my mind that perhaps I would not have children.

This really rocked me. I had always seen myself as a nurturer who would naturally thrive in motherhood.

Somewhere in the midst of this mid-life malaise I booked into a retreat. The sister who directed me suggested I dwell on John 11:25 ‘I am the resurrection and the life, he who believes in me even though he dies he shall live and whosoever lives because he believes in me, shall not die.’

Cheerful woman eating with friends.

Finding enrichment in the fellowship of other singles

Over the ensuing days, weeks and months, that powerful scripture helped me to realise that even though being a mother or father was the highest expression of creativity (working with God), there were multitudes of opportunities for me everywhere to be a ‘life giver.’

These included everything from greeting people sincerely to praying a silent or spoken prayer for someone, or extending sympathy to someone in grief, or including the isolated in my life – and so on.

Then I realised there were others in my parish who were living singly either, widowed, divorced or unmarried and we could meet up and benefit from having fellowship with one another.

Another parishioner and I put a simple notice in our parish newsletter and were amazed when a number of people responded and met up after Mass for coffee and monthly activities.


I became involved in a Singles Group which ran retreats, weekends at wineries and days at the coast.

The aim of these groups was not to match singles (even though some thought we did) but simply to celebrate where each of us were in the journey of life. I met many remarkable and beautiful people.

I felt so fulfilled that I used to say to friends that I was happy to die a single woman . . . and then, out of the blue, a wonderful man came into my life. I didn’t go looking for him. He approached me.

Man and woman holding hands at dinner.
The many years spent as a ‘Catholic Single can give many ‘spiritual riches’ that have blessed married life.

The spiritual riches of singlehood

Yes, my husband and I were married too late to have a family, yet we live a happily married life. I’ve learnt that there is a certain freedom in being childless, that I can ‘reach out’ to others more than if I had a family. I thank God for my husband and the life we have together.

I don’t regret one day of the many years I spent as a ‘Catholic Single’. It was in that time that I learnt and took on board many ‘spiritual riches’ that have blessed my married life.

Those that come to mind are: spending time praying, dwelling or mulling on the daily Mass readings; thanking and praising God in all circumstances.

‘Rejoice always,’ St Paul exhorts the Thessalonians, ‘pray without ceasing and give thanks to God at every moment. This is the will of God, your vocation as Christians’. (1 Thess 5: 16-18).

As I explored this scripture in all the facets of my life, I re-experienced the joy of Jean-Pierre de Caussade’s ‘Sacrament of the Present Moment’ which I read in my twenties. This gave me a peace that was really beyond my understanding.

Another spiritual treasure was the scriptural principles in an interdenominational healing ministry in which I enrolled. The course offered by Elijah House heals and restores individuals, marriages and families and I learnt from participating in these weekend courses how important the cross and the resurrection is in my daily life.

This in turn led me to a very practical understanding of the Eucharist, which in turn has given me a deeper appreciation of my Catholic Faith. Hence, attending the Sunday Eucharist is a special time for my husband and myself each week.

I thank Anna Hitchings for having the courage to make herself vulnerable and write the article which appeared in The Catholic Weekly in May. I pray that among the readership of The Catholic Weekly, the Holy Spirit will use her words to inspire Catholic singles to take initiatives that will bless other singles in ways they can barely imagine.

I firmly believe that God in his infinite wisdom doesn’t make mistakes, so he has put us here at this time for a wonderful purpose.

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