Our beautiful mother Cathedral and minor basilica, St Mary’s, has been visited by millions of faithful, countless tourists, and thus far, four canonised saints.
It is an eloquent proclamation in stone of the Christian faith, a centre of prayer and worship, a peaceful refuge in a bustling city, and the starting point for the great mission of the Holy Spirit to this continent.
This Cathedral, designed by William Wardell and executed over the course of nearly a century, was not just the work of talented hands.
“Whispers of their virtues of faith, hope and charity are everywhere in this towering neo-Gothic structure.”
It was the product of decades of vision, faith, and generous support from Catholics, Christians, and those with the vision to see the immense good that these sandstone walls hold.
Whispers of their virtues of faith, hope and charity are everywhere in this towering neo-Gothic structure.
But the story of our Cathedral did not end when the final stone was laid, some 80 years after construction began. The wonderful story goes on, and we all have our part to play.

Archbishop John Bede Polding left the Catholics of the 19th century with these words:
“…all the classes, the old, the adolescent, the children, will feel and may say to themselves with a happy, contented mind – “I too had a hand in building that building.”
The work at St Mary’s Cathedral is ongoing. The harsh summer sun and bitter winter winds erode the natural sandstone, the windows become brittle.
“Help us protect this Australian Catholic treasure. Give generously to the Saint Mary’s Cathedral 200 Year Anniversary Appeal.”
Join us today, so that, with generations of Catholics past, we might also say: I too had a hand in building that building!
Help us protect this Australian Catholic treasure.
Give generously to the Saint Mary’s Cathedral 200 Year Anniversary Appeal and continue the legacy of Catholicism in this Great Southern Land for centuries to come.
Donate to: ourfaithourworks.org/give-to-smc