In the 13 March 2022 edition of The Catholic Weekly, the Voting for the Common Good election guide contributed to by the Catholic Archdiocese of Sydney’s Justice and Peace Office was highlighted.
It deals with issues such as aged care, disability, mental health, refugees and asylum seekers, Indigenous Australians, housing affordability and caring for our common home and is available at
Australia’s Catholic Bishops also issued an election statement, Towards a Better Kind of Politics, which addresses some of these issues as well, but speaks also of palliative care, JobSeeker, religious discrimination and school choice and modern slavery.
The statement is available at
To supplement these guides, the Informed Voter’s Election 2022 Guide considers the policies of the two major parties and two minor parties in relation to the freedom of religion speech, refugees, euthanasia and the fate of babies born alive after an attempted abortion.
Our hope is that using these three guides together will assist you in casting your vote in next week’s election.