As the nation’s Catholics prepare to commemorate unborn children in prayer, Bishop Daniel E Thomas of Toledo, Ohio, is pointing to the 2025 Jubilee Year as a time of hope for healing from the wounds of abortion.
On 22 January, the Catholic Church in the US marks the annual Day of Prayer for the Legal Protection of Unborn Children, preceded by the annual 9 Days for Life novena, which begins 16 January.
The aims of both efforts take on deeper meaning amid the Jubilee Year, the theme of which is “Pilgrims of Hope,” said Bishop Thomas, who serves as chairman of the US Conference of Catholic Bishops’ Committee on Pro-Life Activities.
“Hope allows those who have been involved in abortion to turn to God and repent, confident that he will forgive and make them whole,” said Bishop Thomas in a 13 January statement issued by the USCCB.
“This 22 January and beyond, we need to be reassured that Jesus himself, who is the source of our hope, was first wounded for our offenses, and suffered for every sin of ours, including abortion.”