“Technological progress is part of God’s plan for creation,” the Vatican said, but people must take responsibility for using technologies like artificial intelligence to help humanity and not harm individuals or groups.
“Like any tool, AI is an extension of human power, and while its future capabilities are unpredictable, humanity’s past actions provide clear warnings,” said the document signed by Cardinals Víctor Manuel Fernández, prefect of the Dicastery for the Doctrine of the Faith, and José Tolentino de Mendonça, prefect of the Dicastery for Culture and Education.
The document, approved by Pope Francis 14 January and released by the Vatican 28 Janusary is titled, “Antiqua et Nova (ancient and new): Note on the Relationship Between Artificial Intelligence and Human Intelligence.”
The popes and Vatican institutions, particularly the Pontifical Academy of Sciences, have been monitoring and raising concerns about the development and use of artificial intelligence for more than 40 years.

“Like any product of human creativity, AI can be directed toward positive or negative ends,” the Vatican document said. “When used in ways that respect human dignity and promote the well-being of individuals and communities, it can contribute positively to the human vocation.”
“Yet, as in all areas where humans are called to make decisions, the shadow of evil also looms here,” the dicasteries said. “Where human freedom allows for the possibility of choosing what is wrong, the moral evaluation of this technology will need to take into account how it is directed and used.”
Human beings, not machines, make moral decisions, the document said. So, “it is important that ultimate responsibility for decisions made using AI rests with the human decision-makers and that there is accountability for the use of AI at each stage of the decision-making process.”
It focused particularly on the moral use of technology and on the impact artificial intelligence already is having or could have on interpersonal relationships, education, work, art, health care, law, warfare and international relations.