A new forum for Catholics addressing the relevance of religion in today’s world will be launched by Archbishop Anthony Fisher OP on 15 February.
“The Challenges of our Times,” is the theme of the monthly forum which will run over a period of eight months at St Bernadette’s Parish in the southern suburb of Carlton.
Archbishop Fisher will head a list of speakers each presenting on a different aspect of the challenges for the Church in a secular society.
Included in the line-up of speakers is Bishop Richard Umbers, Richard Hadad, theology lecturer at Notre Dame University, Ashleigh Green, a social worker from the Diocese of Broken Bay, Fr Gerard Kelly, President of the Catholic Institute of Sydney, Phil Glendenning AM, Director of the Edmund Rice Centre for Justice, Fr Simon Kitimbo, Vice Rector of Good Shepherd Seminary in Homebush and Daniel Ang, Director of the Office of Evangelisation in the Broken Bay Diocese.
Some of the topics to be covered are: Can we still make some Christian sense of this changing world? What does it mean to be a Catholic today? Is religion still relevant? How can parishes move from maintenance to mission?
Each presentation will be followed by Q&A and general discussion and speakers will lead participants in identifying three actions that can be taken at an individual and parish level to advance the suggestions made.
St Bernadette’s Parish is located at 10 Argyle Street, Carlton.
The first talk from Archbishop Fisher will be on Thursday 15 February 2018 from 7.30 to 9.30pm.
Further information: [email protected]
or Facebook: /stbernadettecarlton