Years pass increasingly quickly and my first back in Sydney is no exception.
It’s been something of a whirlwind, but a first year is very much a “getting to know you” year, even if Sydney was my first home (for 25 years) and Greater Sydney where I’ve ministered for 14 years.
Spending time with my clergy has been very important to me, as well as with our agencies and especially our parishioners.
High points have included the Installation Mass (with my Mum and Dad and the whole archdiocese there!), the Pallium pilgrimage to Rome (including meeting the Holy Father) and Pallium Mass back here; beautiful ordinations of six priests and two permanent deacons; World Youth Day activities; public contributions on marriage, euthanasia, religious liberty and interfaith dialogue; reviews and planning for the future of key agencies and of our parishes; developing relationships with leaders of other churches, faiths, government, media, police; interviewing all our seminarians and some future ones (which gives me a huge lift).
So I’m never bored…
Fact is: I love this city and its Catholic people and their God – and the more I get to know them, the more I love their company!
Related: A year of our shepherd: a look back at Archbishop Fisher’s first 12 months