Catholic charity Aid to the Church in Need is uniting hundreds of thousands of children across the world to pray the Rosary on Sunday 18 October.
The campaign titled ‘One Million Children Praying the Rosary’ is hoping to bring together a million children worldwide to pray the Rosary this Sunday for peace and the end of the COVID-19 pandemic.
To participate visit www.aidtochurch.org/one-million-children
A spokeswoman for Aid to the Church in Need International said the campaign was “going very well” with almost 75,000 children registering in the past week. The initiative is happening in over 80 countries in 23 languages. Pope Francis offered his support for the event after the Angelus on October 11.
When one million children pray the Rosary, the world will change
“I encourage this beautiful event that involves children throughout the world, who will pray especially for critical situations caused by the pandemic,” he said.
ACN is a pontifical foundation, established in 1947, that helps persecuted Christians and others in pastoral need. Each year it supports more than 5,000 projects in over 140 countries and holds the Rosary prayer event annually on October 18.

One Million Children Praying the Rosary’ originated in Venezuela in 2005. According to ACN, children were praying the Rosary at a wayside shrine in 2005 when “several of the women in attendance strongly felt the presence of the Virgin Mary”.
“They immediately thought of St. Padre Pio’s promise: ‘When one million children pray the Rosary, the world will change.”
There are currently 100,000 children participating worldwide with 4800 children in Australia taking part.
To participate visit www.aidtochurch.org/one-million-children
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