From Perth to Poland to Pymble, Fr Boguslaw Loska SDS said his installation in his first east Australian parish on 28 February was a “very joyful” occasion.
The Bishop of Broken Bay, Bishop Peter Comensoli, presided over the installation at the Church of Our Lady of Perpetual Succour.
“I’m very excited at the new challenges,” Fr Boguslaw told The Catholic Weekly.
“It’s a new place for me, a new part of the world.”
Fr Boguslaw has spent the past seven years in Krakow in his native Poland, and, earlier, several years in Western Australia.
At Pymble, he has been taken by the “openness of the people” who have given their time to support a range of ministries. “There is a lot of potential to have a very vibrant parish.”
In the face of such a diverse parish, Fr Boguslaw said his pastoral message was one of inclusion.
“We include everybody.”
The Polish priest plans to travel home in July to be part of World Youth Day 2016 in Krakow.