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Retired 10 years, what happens now?

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What happens 10 years after retirement? Photo: Shutterstock
What happens 10 years after retirement? Photo: Shutterstock

In January 2006 I wrote a profile on the Tanzer family for Catholic publications. I will share it again and then give you an update on how the story has progressed:

“One of the pleasures of my position as a regional manager with Australian Catholic Superannuation and Retirement Fund is meeting and supporting wonderful people in their retirement plans.

John and Jean Tanzer are great members of the Townsville community – they are the ‘givers’ to society that make Australia a great country. Not many people can boast that they have served tuck-shop for 32 years and very few builders take up a hammer in retirement to assist in the restoration of a Catholic cathedral.

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John and Jean are no slackers! They have worked long and hard to raise their nine children and provide them with a first class Catholic education. They are proud of the accomplishments of their talented offspring, but, even more so, they are proud of the people their offspring have become.

“When it came to planning their retirement, the Tanzers were in almost foreign territory – they were forced to think about themselves for a change. They looked at options on where to live.

Apartment living was not for John and Jean, as they needed space to share with visiting family and friends. They had always enjoyed their own family home, so it was not a tough decision to renovate with their retirement needs in mind.

Without all the work stresses, retirement does provide a time when you can enjoy having friends over for a long lunch and a chat. What better way than in the surrounds of the home you love? John and Jean are very young at heart and wanted their home to reflect their warm and welcoming personalities.

“Financial retirement decisions were a little easier than house renovations. John and Jean wanted a stress-free income stream that was flexible, tax-effective and left them in control of the nest egg they had worked so long to accumulate. John and Jean had heard about account-based pensions. They liked the idea of a tax-free investment fund that could provide exposure to all the investment classes. They wanted access to their money in the case of emergency, so they looked no further than the Australian Catholic Superannuation account-based pension plan.

“John and Jean took comfort in the fact that the fund is a not-for-profit organisation that has provided personalised service to members over the 25 years of its existence.

Even more pleasing was that without sacrificing returns, the account-based pension could be provided at a cost that was a dramatic reduction on the fees they would pay with a retail fund. John and Jean value the free personalised service our staff provides. I personally look forward to a long and fruitful relationship with the Tanzers during their retirement years.”

Well, it is amazing how quickly those 10 years have flown. Age has not wearied them and John and Jean are still happy in their retirement. During the past 10 years they have added to the in-law count and their grandchildren, now numbering 20, continue to add blessings to this large family. John and Jean have been fortunate to be able to travel and visit friends and family around Australia and overseas.

At least four major overseas holidays were full of delightful events during this decade. Among the highlights were the times spent visiting some of their many children and their ever growing families in Europe, the UK and now New Zealand. John and Jean’s account-based pension income has helped them live a comfortable retirement in Townsville. They are not showy people, but they socialise with their friends and family and do not want for much.

Their account-based pension has been able to provide the funds for the upkeep and maintenance to their home, that the retired builder has always valued so highly. Their nine children now joke that their dad’s billiard room and swimming pool, added during their retirement, provide the ‘resort-like feel’ to their home that they missed when they were studying and still living there. If their parents are anything to go by, I doubt whether any of those kids missed many parties!

John and Jean are still very involved in the Catholic community. John is president of the Mary MacKillop Conference of the St Vincent de Paul Society.

As the former national president of the Catholic Women’s League and an active member of the St Vincent de Paul Townsville chapter, Jean still trips off to meetings and conferences around Australia as a knowledgeable spokesperson for the North Queensland Catholic community.

She is a very astute person and extremely active mentally and has a good deal of experience and insight to contribute to discussions.

The couple have not been without their health challenges, but, as a close-knit family, they have felt the support and love of their children and of each other to see them through such difficult times. John and Jean live for today and their faith and hope for the future are part and parcel of who they are.

They have their interests and hobbies, a strong support network and a wonderful outlook on life. Perhaps this positivity, that they so obviously exude, is the secret to their contentment and joy of living. One thing for certain is that people like John and Jean will always choose to make the most of the lives they have been given.

Their outlook on life is refreshing and their energy and optimism a welcome gift shared with everyone they meet.

This article has been prepared by SCS Super Pty Ltd [ABN 74 064 712 607, AFSL 230544, RSE L0002264], the trustee of the Australian Catholic Superannuation & Retirement Fund. The views, opinions or recommendations of the writer are solely their own and do not in any way reflect the views, opinions and recommendations of Australian Catholic Superannuation & Retirement Fund and they may change in the future. GENERAL ADVICE WARNING: Any advice contained in this article is of a general nature only, and does not take into account your personal objectives, financial situation or needs. Prior to acting on any information in this article, you need to take into account your own financial circumstances, consider the Product Disclosure Statement for any product you are considering, and seek independent financial advice if you are unsure of what action to take. Financial advice is available to members through an arrangement with Industry Fund Services Pty Ltd (AFSL 232514). Call us on 1300 658 776.


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