By Tasmyn Haynes
They say rowers accomplish more before 8am than most people do in a day, and with the successful launch of the Sydney Catholic Schools (SCS) Rowing Pilot and Foundation Program in 2023, students were as eager as ever to sign up for the sport again this year.
Although Rowing participant, Charlotte Ollivier, is a newcomer to the program, she has asserted herself into a leadership position and has taken other beginners under her wing.
Having started Rowing after her brother took part in the initial SCS initiative, Charlotte describes the program as “really fun” and likes to help out wherever possible, whether it’s setting up the boats or sliding into the stroke seat.
This five week course would not be possible without the partnership of St George Rowing Club.
Students get a taste of life on the water over ten sessions, and with the inclusion of a membership to the club, they are free to continue the sport beyond the program if they so wish.