East Timor and West Papua – The Christian Faith and Non-Violence, with Sister Susan Connelly & Dr Joel Hodge.
Sister Susan Connelly – a Sister of St Joseph of the Sacred Heart, and author of “East Timor, René Girard and Neocolonial Violence: Scapegoating as Australian Policy”. Sister Susan has taught in Catholic and State schools. She has worked with the people of East Timor and has a particular concern for the West Papuan people, and with the treatment of asylum seekers.
Dr Joel Hodge – Senior Lecturer (Theology) at the Australian Catholic University, who is also a published author and whose work includes: “Resisting Violence and Victimisation: Christian Faith and Solidarity in East Timor”. Dr Joel has an active interest in East Timor and speaks the main local language, Tetun. Dr Joel was also the supervisor of Sister Susan’s doctoral thesis, which eventually grew into her book.
This week’s co-host is Adam Wesselinoff – Editor of the Catholic Weekly.
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