As director of African American Outreach for Priests for Life, please allow me to say, “be encouraged as you continue to preserve true human rights and fundamental freedoms; life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness”.
Today we gather at the World Meeting of Families to proclaim that the family is a cornerstone of our society. Yet as we gather together, that cornerstone is being chipped away by forces that want to destroy our communities; that want to destroy our families and our very lives.
Yes, today we are witnessing attempts to distort the meaning of human rights in order to advance an evil agenda; one that is authored by the father of confusion and lies.
This agenda destroys life, family and communities.

We must resist this agenda with all our might. We must not fall for the deceptions of the anti-procreation agenda; rather we must continue to expose their lies and affirm the truth that God made us all equal as human beings; understanding that all behaviors do not have equivalent worth and outcomes.
It is urgent that we stand as a united people in defending the beauty and future of the natural family and the beauty and innocence of all our children. Too many young lives have been lost to child abuse, abortion and the sickening trade of selling aborted baby parts. Please do not participate in this evil and risk the Lord’s great and coming wrath.
I urge you to defend the integrity of just laws and remember as my Uncle Rev MLK said: “Injustice anywhere is a threat to justice everywhere.”
My uncle ML, my father Rev AD King, and my grandfather Daddy King were all pro-life during their lifetimes.
They didn’t believe that abortion was a civil right. They would never have agreed that abortion and carcinogenic birth control methods are health care. They never discovered the hidden agenda of death birthed by Margaret Sanger and Planned Parenthood. They also refused to associate the anti- natural life and marriage agenda with the civil rights movement.
We have always been a strong family. Granddaddy convinced my mother not to abort me in 1950. Abortion was illegal back then.
Two decades later, after the deaths of my daddy and uncle, when abortion was becoming legal in America, I suffered two secret abortions and a miscarriage. In the mid 1970s, Granddaddy once again stepped in and convinced me not to abort another baby. I once was blind and now I see.
My family bloodline has had a Christian world view for generations. As an example of this, Uncle ML clung to the scriptures and refused to acknowledge human sexuality and abortion rights as issues that needed to be addressed on the public platform where the battle for skin color equity was being engaged.
Whereas on the other hand, today I’m sure that they would agree that the sanctity of life is part of the civil rights public platform because life is a human right. And as such, we must fight to protect all lives because God’s love matters.
In my recent open letter welcoming Pope Francis to America, I asked if the lion can lie down with the lamb? I believe this can happen when as my uncle Rev MLK said, we must all “learn to live together as brothers [and sisters] or perish as fools”. Yet we have a ways to go before we get there.
I work towards this goal at Priests for Life, in my work with AAO, informing, educating and activating the Black community, spreading the message that abortion ends a human life. Abortion is harmful to the mother, father, the family and the community. This truth is paramount because many do not know that Blacks are being aborted at disproportionate rates compared with all other people groups.
Further, as a global spokesperson for the Silent No More Awareness Campaign, I share how the loss of my two aborted babies and a miscarriage caused by abortion related damages to my body has affected me.
My children lost three siblings to abortion. My mother has three less grandchildren to love. Society has lost three contributions to the fields of maybe medicine, or science, or education and business, or perhaps even the next great president. Only God knows for sure.
Yet faith, hope and love remain. At Rachel’s Vineyard, where I received my own post abortion healing, offers God’s love and forgiveness to all who repent and ask for his mercy. No one needs to suffer alone. With over 55 million abortions since 1973, Rachel’s Vineyard has thousands of men and women to heal from abortion’s scars.
Abortion shockwaves have been felt across every area of our lives. Abortion has touched many families in one way or another. Abortion is not just a choice between a mother and her doctor but a choice that affects all families and society as a whole.
In the 20th century my uncle said that “America will not reject racism until America sees racism.” In the 21st century Fr Frank Pavone says that “America will not reject abortion until America see abortion”. I agree.
We know that America is beginning to see abortion in all it’s evils. Thanks to the Centre for Medical Progress videos exposing Planned Parenthood’s and other human harvesting agents’ horrific atrocities against the most innocent, vulnerable members of our human family, the time is right to stand up for life, to demand accountability, and to demand that our governments stop supporting abortion and its byproducts.
My friends all human beings are born into a world of sin. Yet, we can all be transformed by being born again. Yes, we are in challenging times, and difficulties still lie ahead but we have a sovereign Lord who is the victor and is Truth.
Dear friends, as we wage this battle to uphold the safety and sustainability of the human family, I urge you to stand for God’s truth, to live by God’s truth and pursue this Truth in all areas of life.