Jessica Langrell first encountered the Sisters of Life—a religious order dedicated to protecting the sacredness of human life—when she was a teenager at World Youth Day 2008 in Sydney.
Ten years on, she has made her First Profession as a Sister of Life, on 4 August 2018, in Connecticut, USA.
Now known as Sr Mary Grace SV, the twenty-eight year-old was raised in Sydney, one of four children born to Mark and Mary Langrell of Queenscliff NSW.

Following her First Profession it was announced that Sr Mary Grace will serve at the Sisters of Life Visitation Mission in Toronto, Canada, where she will offer spiritual, emotional and temporal support to women experiencing crisis pregnancies. She will also assist at retreats and evangelisation outreach in Canada.
Prior to entering the Sisters of Life, Sr Mary Grace graduated from Notre Dame University with a degree in theology and went on to work as Chaplaincy Convenor at the university. She organised events at St Benedict’s Church on the university campus, and worked in adult youth ministry for the Sydney Archdiocese.
Sr Mary Grace professed her first vows to Mother Agnes Mary, Superior General of the Sisters of Life at Villa Maria Guadalupe in Stamford, Connnecticut.
The Sisters of Life are a religious congregation founded in 1991 by John Cardinal O’Connor, Archbishop of New York, and dedicated to the protection and enhancement of the sacredness of human life.