The Archbishop of Sydney, Archbishop Anthony Fisher OP, presented the Archbishop’s Awards for Student Excellence to 49 high achievers from Catholic high schools across the archdiocese on 8 September.
Related: School, parish, family, friends, sport: how Sydney’s top Catholic students do it all

All Saints Catholic College, Casula
Nireeksha passionately and actively practices her faith at All Saints parish, Liverpool, where she sings in the choir, regularly attends Antioch meetings, organises monthly youth social activities, and leads Antioch retreat weekends. She has taught the parish reconciliation sacramental program and is an Extraordinary Minister of Holy Communion. At school, Nireeksha is a valued leader of the student representative council and has led social justice initiatives, volunteered for St Vincent de Paul Brekky Van and the Salvation Army Red Shield Appeal. She contributed to the college chapel refurbishment committee and attends college prayer and Mass on a weekly basis.

Aquinas Catholic College, Menai
Liam is a practising Catholic who lives out his faith in the parish and school communities. He is a school leader who actively contributes to the liturgical life of the college and to the social justice group. Liam has assisted in fund raising for Caritas, the World’s Greatest Shave, and the Fiji Appeal. He belongs to the Holy Family parish, where he assists with the collection plate. Liam is an exemplary student and a talented sportsman. He is a humble young man who uses his many talents to contribute positively to our community.

Bethany College, Hurstville
Jacinta is an outstanding candidate who gives witness to Gospel values in all she does. She is passionate about and participates in all social justice activities at school, and takes a leadership role in our St Vincent de Paul chapter. As liturgy prefect, she assists with all liturgies and speaks with homerooms encouraging participation in prayer and worship. At St Declan’s parish, Penshurst, she is regularly rostered as a Reader and as an Extraordinary Minister of Holy Communion. Jacinta leads youth groups, assists in parish functions, and plays piano once a month at Mass. Jacinta is a young woman of strong faith and deep commitment.

Bethlehem College, Ashfield
Kristina is a talented, passionate and inspiring young woman who has used her significant gifts as a singer, dancer, public speaker and leader to serve her school, parish and local communities. She has been a peer reading tutor, an assistant catechist, a St Vincent de Paul Night Patrol volunteer, a debater, choir soloist, a member of the college student representative council, and a student organiser of the college’s performing arts evening. In her parish she is a cantor, Extraordinary Minister of Holy Communion and assists with the sacramental program. She was sponsored by her parish to attend World Youth Day 2016 in Poland.

Brigidine College, Randwick
At Brigidine, Sophia is a member of the Liturgical Committee and is known for the immediacy and reliability of her assistance in the planning of school liturgies. She is an Extraordinary Minister of Holy Communion for the Brigidine community. Sophia is an industrious and courteous student who is sensitive to the needs of others. In her generous and sincere response to others, she shows that she is truly a young woman of the Gospels and a daughter of St Brigid. Sophia worships at St Brigid’s, Coogee, where she is involved in the liturgical and social life of the parish.

Casimir Catholic College, Marrickville
Martino is an outstanding role model and witness of Christian faith to the youth of Casimir Catholic College, Marrickville. He is a young man of faith, being a member of the St Brigid’s Marrickville Parish, where he is both an active parishioner and a senior altar server. Martino is involved in a variety of social justice initiatives at Casimir, supporting the marginalised of society and in so doing, actively promotes Catholic Social Teaching. Martino regularly attends Sunday School Service at St Brigid’s Catholic Church.

Champagnat College, Pagewood
Luke is an exceptional and dedicated young man who consistently lives out the college’s Marist values. He demonstrates a depth of maturity in his interactions with staff and students, and is a role model to both his peers and the college community. He inspires those in his parish of Our Lady of the Annunciation and within the school to live out their Catholic faith. As the ministry leader, He initiates activities that promote the faith life of the college and is involved in prayer and liturgical activities. He is an authentic witness to the Gospel. Luke exhibits the key Marist pillars of hard work, presence and simplicity.

Christian Brothers’ High School, Lewisham
Richard perceives prayer and liturgy as an essential part of daily life. He has organised daily services in the school chapel including the Rosary, Divine Mercy, Litany of the Sacred Heart of Jesus and Immaculate Heart of Mary, and St Michael Chaplet. He contributes to weekly school liturgies and major celebrations as an altar server. Richard has a genuine interest in social justice, and gives much of his time to assisting the school’s reader/writer program for students with disabilities. He visits nursing homes, has distributed Christmas gifts to those in need, and has been actively involved in the Red Cross Blood Donation program. Richard was overwhelmingly voted in as Spirituality and Justice Prefect by his peers. He is actively involved with St Joseph’s Maronite Church, Croydon.

Clancy Catholic College, West Hoxton
Nadia lives out her personal faith daily. She contributes to the liturgical life of her parish community as a reader and to that of the college community as an Altar Server. She is actively involved in the college’s evangelisation team, attending the Australian Catholic Youth Festival in Adelaide. She is involved in many social justice initiatives including the St Vincent de Paul Brekky Van program. As a college leader, Nadia is a positive role model for all members of our community and she truly exemplifies what it means to “Love Like Christ”.

De La Salle College, Ashfield
Cornelius has been an exemplary Christian role model for his peers. He has participated in Lasallian Mission and fundraising events such as the St Vincent de Paul Night Patrol, the St Vincent de Paul Appeal, and the Salvation Army Red Shield Appeal. Cornelius has taken part in Remembrance Day and Anzac aervices and serves our community as an altar Server at college and parish events. He is an Extraordinary Minister of Holy Communion, is involved in helping students at Homework Club and the Buddy Program, is a student leader and is engaged in the public speaking and debating programs at the college. Cornelius has maintained a very high level of academic achievement, and his attitude and behaviour are exemplary.

De La Salle College, Cronulla
Gabrielle is an outstanding young woman of deep faith, evidenced in her service in her local parish and school communities. Over the years, her active leadership role has impacted positively on the lives of young people in her parish and local primary and junior secondary schools. She continues to spread the Gospel message as a vital member of numerous social justice initiatives including the Mercy Action Group, and as a Lasallian Youth Leader. She volunteers weekly to teach catechism to students in our local state schools.

De La Salle College, Revesby Heights
As the liturgical liaison on the student representative council, Brandon is involved in the college’s liturgical and social justice programs, and is a mentor to younger students. He assisted with the planning of liturgical celebrations including those of Holy Week, and initiated and managed the Year 12 Lenten fund raiser. He represented the college at the Australian Catholic Youth Festival in Adelaide, and the Lasallian Youth gathering. Brandon has met the Superior General of the De La Salle Brothers. Brandon is a Lasallian Youth Leader, an Extraordinary Minister of Holy Communion, and a member of the choir. Brandon is actively involved in his local parish St Patrick’s, Revesby Heights.

Domremy College, Five Dock
Madelyn demonstrates outstanding commitment in the areas of faith, service, co-curricular activities and learning throughout her college and the wider community. She is an intelligent and admirable leader and possesses great dedication to her faith. She has received the Australian Defence Force Leadership Award for her service and leadership to the community. She has been a participant in the college Fiji Immersion Program, the Presentation Student Leadership Conference, and the catechesis program. She is an involved member of her parish and has been an altar server.

Freeman Catholic College, Bonnyrigg
Natalie is a young woman of faith and action. She enjoys her involvement in all aspects of religious life at Freeman Catholic College. Natalie is the leader of the Giving Evangelisation Life team, is an Extraordinary Minister of Holy Communion and an active participant in all social justice initiatives. Within her parish of Mary Immaculate she acts selflessly, giving of her time and talent as an altar server and a member of the Antioch youth group. Natalie proclaims the good news to all she meets in word and deed.

Good Samaritan College, Hinchinbrook
Barbara is an exceptional young lady whose actions consistently embody the beliefs expressed in our college’s mission statement. As a social justice leader she is committed to initiatives such as the St Vincent de Paul Winter Stay Out, Brekky Van and Buddy Day. She introduced a program whereby senior students assist junior students with their homework after school. An invaluable and high profile member of the choir, Barbara has made a significant contribution to the liturgical life of the college and is actively involved in her local parish, St Mary Queen of Heaven, Georges Hall.

Holy Cross College, Ryde
Christian is a committed member of the Holy Cross community and an exemplary student. He has been involved in the Catholic Youth Festival in Adelaide and various social justice days. He participated in the college’s Winter Sleep-Out, raised funds for the St Vincent de Paul Winter Appeal, supported the St Vincent de Paul Brekky Van, and wrapped and distributed gifts to the community at Christmas. Christian is an Extraordinary Minister of Holy Communion, and has taught confirmation classes at Villa Maria primary school.

Holy Spirit Catholic College, Lakemba
Rebekah is an outstanding role model to both her peers at Holy Spirit Catholic College and the younger members of her parish community. Rebekah participates in the weekly youth formation program and, together with members of her family, hosts parish prayer groups in her family home. She has organised barbecues after Sunday Mass. At school she is an Extraordinary Minister of Holy Communion, has led sessions at the Year 7 Spirituality Day, is a Lasallian Youth Minister, and works as a catechist in the local state primary school.

Kincoppal, Rose Bay
Antoinette was elected Head of Liturgy for 2016 and fulfills her duties honourably and humbly. She incorporates the contributions of other students in her reflections and presentations at assemblies and encourages the community to reflect on Sacred Scripture and the importance of the school’s charism. She attended the holiday camp for the indigenous community in Bowraville in regional New South Wales. There is a strong integrity to her interactions with staff and students in the boarding school and Antoinette rises above any conflict with a true sense of what is just. Antoinette is an Extraordinary Minister of Holy Communion, who planned, implemented and participated in Wellness Week 2015, promoting positive psychology.

LaSalle Catholic College, Bankstown
As college captain, Vincent relishes opportunities to demonstrate his service to the college and local communities. As a member of two parish communities, Vincent has been a source of compassion and inspiration. Travelling to the Philippines this year with his St Joachim’s parish youth group, Vincent assisted the citizens of Island Bohol to re-establish their homes and village following a significant earthquake. With his calm manner, Vincent demonstrates the values of St John Baptist de la Salle by assisting “the last, the lost, and the least”.

Loreto, Kirribilli
Georgina is a thoughtful and sincere young woman who embraces a wonderful school spirit and exemplifies the Loreto values. Georgina reflects her faith in action through her active participation in Brekky Van, Buddies Days and the Alliance of Girls Schools Network. She has completed the Mary Ward Spirituality Course. With an innate understanding that servant leadership and followership are our calling as Christians, Georgina contributes selflessly to our school community. She is a leader of the St Vincent de Paul Council, an Extraordinary Minister of Holy Communion, and an altar server.

Marcellin College, Randwick
Nathaniel, the sport and spirit captain at Marcellin College, is a young man who exemplifies the Marist qualities of strength and gentleness. His selfless attitude, his thoughtfulness towards others, and his involvement in all spheres of school life, particularly as a representative sportsman, reflect the Marist values of hard work and presence. He demonstrates commitment to his faith as an Extraordinary Minister of Holy Communion at liturgical celebrations. The authentic interaction he has with both staff and students makes Nathaniel an outstanding role-model of the values of Jesus Christ.

Marist College, Eastwood
Goran is a committed Catholic which is demonstrated through his parish involvement as an Altar Server, Extraordinary Minister of Holy Communion, and a member of the youth group. As college leader of religious life he has participated in a range of activities including liturgical celebrations, St Vincent de Paul Night Patrol, the Year 12 Marist Forum, Marist Connect, the Murgon immersion, Year 8 Ministry Group, Rosary, Stations of the Cross, and prayer groups. Goran is particularly passionate about the college St Vincent de Paul program and the need to care for the homeless of Sydney. He is a humble young man who values the power of prayer.

Marist College, Kogarah
In his role as a college house leader, Brian demonstrates a genuine commitment to both his parish and the spiritual life of his school. He is an Extraordinary Minister of Holy Communion in the local faith community and participated in a dramatisation of the Stations of the Cross. A well-respected member of the local cadet unit, Brian achieved the highest rank, commanding over 100 cadets. With his faith to guide him, he is able to reach out, support and have compassion for others. He has arranged Anzac Day ceremonies and organised honour guards in remembrance of fallen soldiers.

Marist College, North Shore
Samuel is a sincere young man who goes out of his way to help others. He is open to experiences of faith, and engages in liturgical and social justice initiatives. He is a great mentor to younger students. Samuel regularly volunteers to assist in the canteen. Samuel has only recently received his Sacraments of Initiation and has fully embraced his faith since then.

Marist College, Penshurst
James is a highly respected individual within the Marist community at Penshurst. As one of the college’s liturgy leaders, James demonstrates outstanding leadership in preparing and leading school liturgies and prayers. He has a strong commitment to social justice, highlighted by his support of the St Vincent de Paul Night Patrol program and his participation in a Philippines Immersion in 2015. He will be returning to the Philippines after his HSC to work with charitable organisations in the poorest areas of Manila. James’ involvement in the St Declan’s parish youth group emphasises his commitment to the Catholic Church.

Marist Sisters’ College, Woolwich
As a woman of faith, Sally displays a determination to be actively involved in the Catholic life of the college. As a house liturgy captain, she leads college and house liturgies and promotes student prayer opportunities. She completed a St Vincent de Paul training course and has represented the college at evangelisation and social justice days. She is the first to volunteer when student helpers are needed, leading by gentle example. Sally is an integral member of her parish youth group and plays the violin at Sunday evening Mass. She is an example of living the college motto, “Goodness above all”.

Mary MacKillop College, Wakeley
Mary is an outstanding leader who has initiated several social justice events, the most recent being a sleep over for the Middle East. She is an active member of St Thomas Chaldean Catholic Church and during times of hardship in the community, she has participated in asylum seeker vigils, as well as bringing hope to her own refugee community. As college vice-captain in 2015, Mary’s participation in faith and social justice initiatives, science, debating, mathematics, and sport has set an excellent example for all students. Mary is a true Mary MacKillop woman.

Monte Sant’ Angelo Mercy College, North Sydney
Claire is a faith-filled young woman who has been an outstanding liturgy leader in Year 12. She has been engaged in her local parish Corpus Christi, St Ives, as a leader of the Music Ministry, leading the choir for both parish Masses and children’s liturgies. Claire’s contribution to college life has been extraordinary, as has been her commitment to the social justice and advocacy projects of the college.

Mount St Joseph, Milperra
Vanessa is an exceptional young woman. Her qualities of selflessness, determination, faith and love of life, enable her to make a significant contribution in all that she does. Vanessa has provided faithful service to the liturgical life of the school community by generously giving her time as an Altar Server for the school’s Eucharistic celebrations and as a role-model for students. She is an active participant in the faith, and encourages others to be witnesses to the teachings of Christ. Vanessa’s general attitude, demeanour and actions, are a true testament and model of her positive and unwavering faith in God.

Our Lady of the Sacred Heart College, Kensington
As a member of the senior student representative council, Meleana shows a commitment to service. She has been involved in the Salvation Army Red Shield Appeal, the St Vincent de Paul Night Patrol, and visits nursing homes. In her local parish, she sings in the choir, reads at Mass, and voluntarily cleans on Saturday mornings. She was previously an altar server. Meleana teaches Sunday School for the Tongan community at Hurstville. She is part of a group called Kai Time, a group made up of Polynesians who feed the homeless on Saturday nights. Meleana epitomises the charism of Fr Jules Chevalier, “to be the Heart of Christ to all those she meets”.

Patrician Brothers’ College, Fairfield
John is the inaugural college liturgy prefect and as such he leads and inspires others to be involved in the daily prayer of the college, the Breastplate of St Patrick. John is an Extraordinary Minister of Holy Communion at both his college and parish communities. In 2015, he was a volunteer catechist in local state primary schools and he attended the two-day residential seminar in leadership training and personal development, for senior student leaders in Patrician-linked schools. John is an exemplary role model for the students and typifies the hospitality of the Patrician Brothers’ charism.

Rosebank College, Five Dock
Alfons is a fine young Christian gentleman as is shown by his commitment to all aspects of school and parish life. Although unassuming, Alfons is always willing and happy to participate in the music ministry at school and in the parish. In his way of living the Gospel, Alfons shows a commitment to St Benedict’s invitation to “listen with the ear of the heart” and to be active in serving the community through the generous offering of his musical talents.

Santa Sabina College, Strathfield
Isabella is a young woman of faith who works tirelessly in her role as liturgy leader. She is active in looking for ways to engage students in Mass, Liturgies of the Word, and other liturgical gatherings. Isabella is an active altar server in her parish and has been involved in the training of younger parishioners in this ministry. She is respected by her peers as a student who acts in service of others and her interactions reflect the face of Christ. She represented the College last year on an immersion to South Africa along with a group of Year 11 students, supporting the communities of Kopanang and Montebello.

Southern Cross Catholic Vocational College
Makerita is a kind, generous and faith-filled young lady. Makerita is a diligent student and a school-based trainee in Property Services. Makerita has contributed to Catholic life through Catechist classes in the local primary school and her commitment to social outreach. She attended World Youth Day in Poland this year and is a very active member of her parish. Her involvement includes serving at Mass, youth camps, youth groups and attending the annual Walk With Christ. Makerita is a young Christian woman who embraces her Catholic faith.

St Aloysius’ College, Milsons Point
Liam lives a life of service to others. His spiritual values are guided by the underpinnings of Catholic Social Teaching. He volunteers his services to charitable works programs both locally and in the Philippines. He participates and leads faith-based development programs such as the Kairos retreat. During his time at St Aloysius’ Liam has been a significant leader in supporting and promoting the College’s sacramental program as an altar server for five years, as an Extraordinary Minister of Holy Communion, and a member of the college choir. He is the model of a Christian gentleman.

St Charbel’s College, Punchbowl
Thea has been a student of St Charbel’s College since Kindergarten and throughout this time, her attitude of service and dedication to the school community has been exemplary. She has been a catechist and has shared the Catholic faith with children in surrounding state primary schools. Thea is the school captain and exhibits Christ like qualities in her interactions with both staff and students. She is characterised by being the first to volunteer her help in parish and school community service activities, including all liturgical celebrations. Thea’s love for her faith is evident in her attendance and promotion of all spiritual activities in the school. She embodies the values of the St Charbel’s community.

St Clare’s College, Waverley
Teresa demonstrates the college motto “My God in all things” by her passion and commitment to her Catholic faith and through her daily interactions. She contributes to the Catholic life of the College by leading the community in prayer, helping with liturgical celebrations, volunteering as a Catechist and supporting the St Vincent de Paul Brekky Van program. She participated in the Immersion program in India. Teresa involves herself in all aspects of the faith life of the college giving particular service as an Extraordinary Minister of Holy Communion and as a reader. She attends weekly Mass at St Mary’s Cathedral.

St Ignatius’ College, Riverview
Elvis attends St Ignatius’ College, Riverview as a boarding student from Moruya. His leadership has been marked by humility and service. Elvis has been deeply involved in the co-curriculum, curriculum, and spiritual life of the College. He is an Extraordinary Minister of Holy Communion and in his final year, has fulfilled the significant leadership role of college sacristan. In his time at the college, Elvis has undertaken service work with the St Vincent de Paul Night Patrol and the Christmas Appeal. He has truly embraced all opportunities with passion, and used his talents and abilities for the service of others, in a faith that does justice.

St John Bosco College, Engadine
Bridget is an outstanding student and role model of Christian living. She is a willing participant in the life and mission of the Engadine Parish community as well as living out the college’s Salesian motto: “Joy and Hope”. Bridget is involved in the parish through the Youth Matters program, assists at parish youth camps, is a reader at Mass, and volunteers at the John Paul Retirement Village. Her personal faith journey has been highlighted by involvement in the Australian Catholic Youth Festival in Adelaide and undertaking mission work with the Cagliero Immersion in Samoa.

St Joseph’s College, Hunters Hill
Nicholas is a high achiever across all facets of college life. He works hard and achieves superb results in his school work, and is captain of the college First XV Rugby and the NSW Schoolboys Rugby team. His positive influence is felt in far more than sport. He is an altar server who regularly volunteers to serve at Masses and funerals, he is a blood donor, has spent time with senior members of the community at the local nursing home, and spent a week of his holidays looking after a child with a disability to allow the parents some respite. He is hard working and modest, and positively influences others through his exceptional example.

St Maroun’s College, Dulwich Hill
Holly is a young woman of high moral character, and a strong community leader at St Maroun’s College. She embodies the values and qualities that are displayed in our college motto which characterise our college environment. Holly’s sense of responsibility reflects faith, friendship, and honesty. She is an active member of the student leadership team and has worked tirelessly in all the roles she has undertaken. Holly initiated and organised numerous college events for countless social justice programs. Her enthusiasm for learning and her genuine care and support of others make her an exemplary role model for her peers.

St Mary’s Cathedral College, Sydney
Jordan has been a valued member of St Mary’s Cathedral College since Year 5. He is an esteemed member of the St Mary’s Cathedral Choir. Jordan’s generous and compassionate demeanour matches his enthusiasm and commitment to his faith and school spirit. Jordan has been involved in a number of social justice initiatives including the Matthew Talbot Hostel and the Lenten Appeal. He is a volunteer Catechist in local state primary schools. As college prefect, Jordan has continued to be a vigorous leading light in the cultural and liturgical life of the college, and is a true witness to the Catholic values lived out at St Mary’s Cathedral College.

St Patrick’s College, Strathfield
Tony is an outstanding young Christian who contributes significantly to St Patrick’s. He is a motivated student who strives to do his best in everything he undertakes. As the college vice-captain his leadership is focused on service to others. Tony has a particular passion for social justice, reinforced by his involvement in the College’s social justice action group, aged care, Salvation Army Stores, the Red Shield Appeal, and with St Joachim’s Homework Help and Gala days. He is an Extraordinary Minister of Holy Communion, and the founder and leader of the Rosary group, which since Lent 2015 has met every Wednesday in the college chapel. He is a committed member of the St Joseph’s Maronite Catholic Church, Croydon, attending Mass each Sunday. In line with St Patrick’s motto, Tony continually “lets his light shine”.
St Patrick’s College, Sutherland

Emily is a young woman of action, presence and compassion. As college vice-captain her leadership is focused on service to others. This is demonstrated by her involvement with the St Vincent de Paul Night Patrol, Matthew Talbot Hostel, local aged care facilities, Edmund Rice youth camps, and an immersion to Timor-Leste. Emily bears witness to her faith in her local parish, Our Lady Star of the Sea, Miranda, as an Extraordinary Minister of Holy Communion and as a catechist in local state primary schools. Through her generosity and humility Emily radiates hope for the future in the tradition of Nano Nagle and Edmund Rice.

St Scholastica’s College, Glebe
Harriett is a thoughtful, humble and dedicated young adult who consistently lives the values of the Gospel. As an active member of St Fiacre’s parish in Leichhardt, Harriett is highly valued and exceptional in the manner in which she gives witness to her faith attending prayer meetings twice weekly. Harriett is a committed student who has proudly represented the college in various sporting teams and has continued to involve herself in many college activities and events. She is a wonderful role model to her fellow students in every way.

St Ursula’s College, Kingsgrove
Laura is a young woman of deep faith, who is immersed in the liturgical life of St Ursula’s College and her parish of Our Lady of Fatima, where she exercises the ministries of altar server and Extraordinary Minister of Holy Communion with reverence and humility. She leads the children’s liturgy program. Laura is a committed student who balances the demands of the classroom with a passion for justice and outstanding commitment to community service. She has completed in excess of 145 hours community service in her senior years, truly embodying the college motto of “Serviam” in her words and actions.

St Vincent’s College, Potts Point
In her role of college liturgy captain, Prue exemplifies servant leadership. She empowers her peers to experience and value prayer and spiritual formation and she is driven by a deep faith and passionate commitment to justice and good relationships. Prue established a Student Liturgy Committee at the college and is considered by her peers as a trustworthy wisdom figure. She has been actively involved in parish life at St Canice’s since her arrival at the College in Year 7, and regularly reads at Mass as well as being an Extraordinary Minister of Holy Communion.

Trinity Catholic College, Auburn
Mitchell is a young man of great faith, generosity, and humility. He is an outstanding role model in his academic studies, his devotion to his faith and in living a life of genuine service to others. Mitchell is deeply involved in the life of his parish, Immaculate Heart of Mary, where he serves as an Extraordinary Minister of Holy Communion. He holds positions of responsibility on the parish council and readers’ committee, and has been active in organising Christmas and Easter liturgies and the Golden Jubilee celebrations for his parish priest. He is an active member of the local parish youth club. He is a most worthy recipient of the Archbishop’s Award.

Waverley College, Waverley
Mathew is a determined student whose solid academic, cultural, and sporting performances are complemented by his participation in social justice activities concerning Aboriginal youth, refugees, homelessness, the disabled, violence against women, and the environment. His holidays have been given to Edmund Rice camps, providing recreation for disadvantaged youth. Mathew cares for his physically and intellectually disabled uncle and other patients at the Grasmere Care Home, Narellan. He attends Our Lady of Lourdes, Baulkham Hills, and often accompanies his godson to church.