His Grace, Archbishop Anthony Fisher OP, gathered with faithful to celebrate midnight mass at a bursting Saint Mary’s Cathedral in Sydney this Christmas morning, to acclaim the coming of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ. “People of Sydney I bring you news of great joy, a joy to be shared by the whole people: today in the city of David a Saviour has been born to you: He is Christ the Lord.”
Filled to capacity, the Archbishop used the opportunity of his Homily to talk about the importance of Identity, of knowing who we are in Christ, and the dangers of compromising our identity. “Some of our I.D. comes from family, nation and culture. But modernity prefers self-generated identities. Much of it is said to be about what we identify with,” said His Grace.
“If we are confused about values and vocation, we’ll be disinclined to plan or commit. Disengaged from family, Church and society, we fall easy prey to isolation or extremism.”
The Archbishop called on each of us to see how we are able to find ourselves in Christ, and how our answers to who He is reveal who we are.

“To call Him our Saviour is to say we need saving – from sin, death, enemies, even ourselves. “We need liberation – from vices, addictions, all that cages our spirit. To call Him Son, Grace and Glory of God, is to acknowledge that we need a power greater than ourselves. To call Him Wonder-Counsellor, Almighty God and Prince of Peace is to recognise that He has remade us as the wisdom, peace and glory of God.”
“Today as we gather Around the crib of Baby Jesus, we discover not just who He is but who we are.”
“Each of us here is an image of God. But unlike God, we are far from perfect, yet at Christmas we recall the Word made flesh. God made baby for our sake,” said the Archbishop.

Ending the celebration, the Archbishop extended a warm welcome to any who wish to join this wonderful time in the Church and in Christian tradition.
“Some of you are regulars here; others less frequent; some visitors from overseas, interstate, other parishes, even other faith traditions. Please know that you are always welcome at St. Mary’s. The God who shares his identity with you today, wants to do so all year round.”

For any who wish to visit Saint Mary’s Cathedral and Sydney and take the opportunity to find themselves in Christ, the Cathedral is open from 6.30am to 6.30pm daily.