Sydney Catholic Schools (SCS) is following the NSW government advice that all schools are to remain open until further notice.
Parents are encouraged to keep their children at home where possible for the remainder of Term 1 to limit the spread of COVID-19.
Our schools will offer remote learning options for those who choose to follow this advice. Attendance for students who access this option will be recorded as ‘F’ – flexible learning.
So what does remote learning involve?
Remote learning modules may include online work or other activities that enable learning to continue across all areas of the curriculum. As the government has advised schools to deliver a ‘single unit’ of teaching each day for students who are at home and at school, the same work will be covered regardless of whether attendance is at home or at school.
These learning packages may involve activities that require several days to complete, rather than the structured individual lessons of a usual school timetable.
How content is delivered and types of activity for students may vary from school to school and between classes or grades, based on the different needs of each school community.
Principals and class teachers will communicate clear expectations in keeping with these. Students may be asked to complete a combination of the following:
● Literacy and numeracy activities.
● Creative arts and design activities.
● Project-based learning, play-based activities and design and research tasks specific to areas of the NSW curriculum.
What digital platforms or programs might my child use to complete online components to their learning?
Primary and secondary schools may use their current online school preferred learning platform to deliver any digital lessons to home. Options may include Google Classroom, Canvas and email. Zoom video conferencing can be accessed for some students.
All policies and protocols around e-safety, child protection and acceptable use of technology must be adhered to when accessing the online environment. SCS approved platforms will be used where schools engage in online activity.
Do I need a high-speed internet connection for my child to access their learning from home?
No. A majority of remote learning packages can be delivered in a way that enables access to relevant materials without this.
What are our options if we do not have access to internet or digital devices at home?
If you are concerned about equitable access to learning please contact your school to discuss options. They may make hard copies of learning tasks available among other measures to ensure these factors are not a barrier to your child’s learning. Remember that remote learning does not always mean digital learning.
Are there any other guidelines our children should follow to maintain safety as they learn online?
Where possible, it is advised that students are supervised in an open area that ensures their safety, wellbeing and concentration while responding to tasks. Make sure you or your child know how to contact your teachers for learning support, when and how they will contact you, and how you can get technology support.
What can I do to support my child’s learning at home?
Ensure your child has a routine as they are not yet on school holidays, but learning from home. This can include similar daily break times for start, finish, recess and lunch.
A routine is especially important for children with anxiety or those who have difficulty adjusting to being apart from their friends. Keep regular ‘screen time’ to a minimum to help prioritise learning.
There are many non-digital home-based resources and activities that parents can use to support and enhance their child’s learning depending on their age and what stage they are at.
These may include:
● Daily reading, silently and ‘out loud’ depending on age.
● Writing activities based on a variety of stimulus material. For example, writing letters to relatives.
● Math activities related to cooking or kitchen-related activities.
● Using items like construction blocks to count.
● Creating or drawing activities related to different topics.
● Completing a project or making items that relate to STEM.
● Designing a brochure for an overseas holiday or activity using research to support.
● Physical activities and games, depending on space, to keep active.