Thursday, February 13, 2025
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Law reform recommendations on religious schools lack common sense

The Australian Law Reform Commission’s inquiry on religious schools, the first commissioned by Labor, has offered the conclusions Labor sought—hence the prime minister’s desire to shut down further discussion. But the ALRC’s recommendations don’t pass a common sense test, writes Monica Doumit

Monica Doumit: Another inquiry, another delay for religious freedom laws

It seems that every few weeks, another inquiry related to religious freedom is announced. Maybe I am exaggerating, but there has been at least one federal inquiry a year over the past eight years, and sometimes more than that.

Catholic peak bodies call ALRC faith-based schools inquiry into question

The viability of the Australian Law Reform Commission’s inquiry into faith-based schools is in question after peak bodies representing the Catholic education sector, the...

Monica Doumit: ALRC inquiry ignores Catholic concerns

The comments made by Justice Stephen Rothman reported in this week’s edition of the Catholic Weekly raises serious questions about whether the inquiry he...
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