Tag: Anti-discrimination
Monica Doumit: Can Tasmania tolerate clear Catholic teaching on marriage and...
If you want to know the end-game of those pushing to remove exemptions for religious schools in anti-discrimination law, you only need to look at what has been happening in Tasmania. A new curriculum for Year 11 and Year 12 religion is planned to begin next year.
Anti-discrimination laws welcomed
Faith leaders have welcomed proposed changes to New South Wales’ anti-discrimination laws to outlaw vilification on religious grounds, as part of the work to be done to address religious freedom in the state.
ACT moves to curb faiths
A bill in the ACT’s Legislative Assembly aims to slice away at inherent human freedoms in the guise of preventing discrimination.
In 2018, changes to...
We don’t serve Catholics!
Imagine you are planning a wedding at St Mary’s Cathedral because, let’s face it, it’s the most beautiful church in the country.
Q@A with John Steenhof, human rights lawyer
Meet the man helping Christians caught between faith and the law, who is busier than ever.
Thousands back religious freedom bill
Most say it should be illegal to discriminate on the basis of religious belief in NSW.