Tag: Archdiocesan Mission Plan
Bishop Robert Barron to speak to Australia
Bishop Robert Barron launches Sydney’s Reclaiming Evangelisation Series
Saturday 13 November 2021, 11 AM – 12:30 PM
Register for Bishop Barron’s live online address to the...
Saturday morning reflections a chance to draw closer to God
“I didn’t realise how much I wanted and needed something like this.”
Archbishop’s new Mission Plan is a vision for all to become...
Those foundations emerged out of the ‘Parish 2020’ process that drilled down as far as possible to assess who and what makes up the Church in Sydney
Big questions: the Pandemic, our Mission and the New Evangelisation
this cataclysm has removed from our path artificial obstacles to new endeavours and underscored the part each of us can play as the baptised in the rebuilding of the new world that awaits
Parishes: Homes of Living Faith
From the second century, parishes – or paroikia in Greek – referred to local congregations of Christians who were “resident aliens” (not the intergalactic variety).
Sydney in Mission: Calling Disciples of Christ
When the remaining disciples saw the risen Lord on Ascension Mount, Matthew tells us, “they worshipped Him; though some doubted” it was him.
“Then Jesus...
Sydney’s parishes: In our own words
Priorities include prayer, the sacraments, Scripture, liturgy and music, leadership and responsibility.
Planning for mission: the future of Sydney Archdiocese is underway
If evangelisation is the priority, our conversion is what leads to it
A vision for the Archdiocese of Sydney
When installed in November 2014, Archbishop Anthony...