Tag: Bankstown
Contact tracing rise as more churches close
Archbishop Fisher called for vigilance amid Sydney outbreaks leading to the closure of three churches.
Bankstown parish marks anniversary
St Felix de Valois Bankstown will celebrate its Solemnity on 22 May with livestreamed Mass.
Bankstown youth get a lesson in Lent
Young adults of St Felix de Valois, Bankstown, were delighted to receive inspiring tips on preparing for Easter at the first of regular catechesis...
Brother Bernard brings St Maximilian to Bankstown
With the feasts of St Maximilian Kolbe and the Queenship of Mary celebrated less than a week apart, it was providential that the youth...
Youth gets a Capuchin Catechesis on God’s Glory
St Felix gets Franciscan formation
More than 20 young adults from across Sydney gathered at Bankstown parish on 19 June to hear Fr Thomas McFadden...
Bankstown youth lead Passion
Youth at St Felix de Valois, Bankstown, set a sombre scene to their re-enactment of the Passion.
Masterclass for teachers
By Michael Egan
To make their lessons engaging for students is a challenge that teachers constantly face. Perhaps the best advice I ever received came...
Youth focus on Lenten path
Lent is an important time for us Christians to prepare our hearts for Christ’s resurrection at Easter.
But for those who are journeying through the...
Youth of Bankstown parish prepares with prayer
After a long break over the holidays, many young adults are in need of a restart to their prayer lives before they begin a...
Bankstown youth relish Advent preparation
With their eyes fixed firmly on Christmas, too many Catholics miss out on the importance of Advent as a season ...