Tag: Book Review
Fr Jacques Philippe review: Prayer: Oxygen for the soul
Spiritual dryness and difficulty in prayer is a common challenge that many of us face. Fr Jacques Philippe and his Community of the Beatitudes is at the ready to help when we don’t know how to rekindle the love of prayer in our life.
Review: Scott Morrison’s spiritual and political memoir is a mixed blessing
Scott Morrison’s new book, Plans for your Good, is easy to criticise for the same reasons as its author. What the former PM holds out as his genuine source of strength, his Evangelical faith, is for others the hallmark of his inauthenticity. But for world-weary Catholics, the book’s intensity and enthusiasm have something to teach.
A word game to soothe a restless spirit
A book subtitled The Venereal Game is not normally one to be recommended in a family newspaper. Bear with me, however. The author of An Exaltation of Larks, James Lipton, simply turned “venery” into an adjective, with no salacious intent.
A window into the mysterious world of those who lead our...
This is a book for bishops. I am one bishop who is grateful to have read it. It was a very beneficial source for personal reflection and offered much to ponder both from history and from current experience.
21 days back to God book review: A spiritual refugee of...
By Wanda Skowronska PhD
Journeys of the spirit are a part of the spiritual legacy of the Catholic Church, which includes the final journey of...
Gunpowder Plot brought to life in gripping novel
Whilst still in primary school I became fascinated by English history and eagerly devoured anything I could lay my hands on, in particular, anything dealing with the period of the English Reformation.
Review: Statements from the Soul
In his foreword to Statements from the Soul, Indigenous elder and intellectual Noel Pearson says the year 2023 will be an uncertain and anxious...
Vision of Ezekiel inspired author’s latest novel
The latest novel by Catholic Canadian author and artist Michael O’Brien, By the Rivers of Babylon, imagines the life of the biblical prophet Ezekiel...
The FInal Exam Book Review
Fr John Flader describes his new book, The Final Exam – Preparing for the Judgment, as a sequel to his previous book, Dying to...
Cardiologist examines Jesus
A cardiologist comes to terms with miracles, science and faith
We live in a world where it’s assumed science is the gold standard of all...
Book Review – Carlo Acutis, the first Millenial Saint
BOOK REVIEW by Allan Wright
God wants the same thing from each of us: friendship with him. But the ways there are endless
The author of...
Final work of an iconic Australian poet
Posthumous volumes of poetry hold a particular fascination. Is the poet losing his powers or does the keenness of dwindling life produce a new honesty, a new self-assessment, or new depths of creativity? Czeslaw Milosz and R.S. Thomas produced masterworks well into their old age while many others seem to coast by on past achievements.