Tag: Business
Saint Homobonus…patron of business leaders
Paul Winkler dives into the life of St Homobonus, patron saint of businesspeople, tailors and shoemakers, and shows us how we can follow his example of saintly virtue in business.
Michael Walker: In business, bigger does not mean better
The PwC scandal, in which one of the world’s top consulting firms misused Australian government information to help multinationals avoid tax, has been in the news in recent months. What does it reveal about the state of governance in Australia, from the perspective of faith and the social doctrine of the church?
St Ursula’s Kingsgrove student Sienna Jovcevski applauded for entrepreneurial success
It's not easy being a skincare CEO while you're only in year 9, but Sienna Jovcevski has found a way to study and pursue her passion too