Tag: Catholic Schools
Janina Starkey: Bringing back the patrimony
By Janina Starkey
Earlier this year, teachers of Religious Education across NSW, began preparing to implement a new senior course of study in Catholic Schools.
A Perla of a Success
From the moment Perla Akram started at Clancy Catholic College she stood out.
Not for the fact she had fled more than 13,000kms from her...
Monica Doumit: Shorten option is sinister
In last week’s column, I wrote about the push to remove existing religious freedom protections for Catholic schools when it comes to students who...
Sydney students to pray for our next saint in waiting
Archbishop Anthony Fisher OP will send an invitation to students in Sydney Catholic Schools to pray to Eileen O’Connor.
Wrapped in Love
Wrapping the most vulnerable members of our community in a virtual blanket raised over $1700 for the St Vincent’s de Paul Society.
Families from Earlwood’s...