Tag: Catholic Theology
Eschatology conference draws big numbers
Theologians ranged through topics as diverse as Rosemary’s Baby, the heat death of the universe, whether we will be male and female in heaven and Dante’s Inferno at the fifth instalment of the growing Theology at the Beginning of the Third Millennium conference series at the University of Notre Dame Australia.
George Weigel: Henri de Lubac: a true churchman
On 31 March, the bishops of France announced that they would petition the Holy See for permission to open a beatification cause for Fr Henri de Lubac SJ. Whatever the outcome of the cause, paying such a tribute to one of the great figures of 20th-century Catholic theology was a fitting way to continue celebrating the 60th anniversary of the Second Vatican Council’s opening.
Philippa Martyr: Pope Benedict XVI, pray for us!
Joseph Ratzinger – the late Pope Benedict XVI – meant a huge amount to me. He first came on my radar when he was...
Theology for Parents
By Francis Etheredge
‘In sermons and talks, use simple language and a homely conversational style to explain each particular point” “far as you can,...
New adult faith education series
It’s called Didasko and it means ‘to teach’: Catholic adult formation in Sydney is going digital with some of the country’s best educators providing intensive online courses open to all.
New biography of Pope Benedict XVI reveals his life, personality and...
By Dr R. Jared Staudt This February will mark nine years since the historic renunciation of Pope Benedict XVI. Joseph Ratzinger would have gone down in history as a great theologian without his rise to the chair of St Peter, although through his papal ministry he became a teacher of the world. The power of […]
Sydney lay theologian Matt Tan to teach at Wagga Seminary
Dr Matthew Tan will take up the role when he moves to the New South Wales rural Diocese of Wagga Wagga
Q@A with Ratzinger Prize winner Dr Tracey Rowland
My most important influence was my maternal grandmother, a ‘God, Queen and Country’ High Church Anglican
Jeremy Bell: The gloriously useless pursuit
At the beginning of this year, I had the pleasure and privilege of leading a philosophy and theology study tour to Athens and Rome...
UNDA unveils new degree
The University of Notre Dame has unveiled a new undergraduate degree for 2021 which will focus on Catholic social thinking and teaching aimed at...
Avant-Garde Exam in Liberal Arts for NSW Catholic Schools
Studies in Catholic Thought engages students in the theological, philosophical, ethical and aesthetic traditions of the Catholic Church
Anthony Cleary: Trial exam also a milestone for students
Recently, Year 12 students across New South Wales sat for the first ever Trial HSC exam in Studies in Catholic Thought.
This was a significant...