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Tag: Catholics

Should Catholics reconsider their financial habits?

There’s nothing shameful in talking about how Catholics use their money, and there’s good biblical precedents for it, says Dr Philippa Martyr.

Philippa Martyr: How do Aussie Catholics rate their bishops’ leadership?

The Catholics in Australia 2022 survey asked people two optional questions about how they rated church leadership—the Australian bishops generally, and their own local...

Daniel Ang: It’s been a year of grace

  It’s been 12 months since the Archdiocese launched its plans for missionary renewal. Looking back over the past year, it’s clear that the faith...

Philippa Martyr: Mass figures offer potential ways to adapt

We need to start asking what motivates our church-goers This is my final piece on the Australian Catholic Mass Attendance Report 2016, at least for...

George Weigel: the President and the faith

  "For as many of you as were baptised into Christ have put on Christ. There is neither Jew nor Greek, there is neither slave...

Catholics take up Scripture challenge

Eddie Sallan is one of many Catholics devoting 2021 to reading and reflecting on the Bible and its riches.

Catholics honoured with Dempsey Medal

Archbishop Fisher's annual award celebrates individuals' faithful service to parishes.

Statue a labour of love for Joseph

The sign from above that graced a Sydney man's ordinary work day, and life since.

Dr Kathleen Turner: Too old, too young, single

There is no doubt that issues of isolation and disconnectedness are becoming increasingly prevalent in our society. There is intensifying public dialogue on mental...

Wiggle Manager “really chuffed” by honour

The manager of The Wiggles and former lead singer of The Cockroaches was appointed a Member of the Order of Australia

Catholics of every background feature in Australia Day awards

Australian Catholics featured among those recognised for significant service and leadership in the community in this year’s  Australia Day Honours

Anna Krohn: The age of unbelief

Way back in what we imagine were the catechetically intact 1950s, the brilliant and irrepressible Catholic writer and Southerner, (Mary) Flannery O’Connor, was listening...
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