Tag: consent
Paul Catalanotto: ‘Consent’ education’s dumb agenda
In 2023 Australia will embark on a nationwide consent education program in schools hoping to reduce sexual assault and help develop better communication skills...
Monica Doumit: The secret to consent education is in the why
Consent classes sound like a good idea, but will they be effective?
“People don’t buy what you do, they buy why you do it.”
I’ve been...
Benjamin Conolly: The lies sold to kids about sexual ’empowerment’
On Sunday 14 March the annual Grammy awards were held in the US. Nothing more than a prideful chance for the rich and famous...
Anthony Cleary: The challenge for all is to not be silent
Today, most Australians are familiar with the phrase, ‘no means no’. Despite this, it appears that’s there is a growing number of people who...