Tag: covid restrictions
Philippa Martyr: When the COVID police arrived
God has such a sense of humour: the Glendalough parish church was semi-raided by a zealous police officer on the feast of St Blaise. My first thought was that, as St Blaise is the patron of sore throats, this was entirely appropriate. But a friend pointed out that St Blaise – a doctor as well […]
Looking up in lockdown
We’ve just had R U OK? Day and, as lockdown seems to lag on, I think we’ve all become pretty familiar with having the...
Blessing and Angel Meals for needy Families
By Bernadette Bridle
In the words of St Mary of the Cross MacKillop, “Never see a need without doing something about it.”
This is exactly what...
Fr Josh Miechels: Peace possible despite restrictions
Sydney priest Fr Josh Miechels shares his lockdown lessons from France
Lockdown is not fun. But it doesn’t mean it can’t be lived peacefully.
Especially when...
Eased Restrictions for Places of Worship
The New South Wales Government has announced an easing of COVID restriction that will allow Sydney’s faithful a near-complete return to Masses just in...