Like Pilate, the government should not find itself asking, “Truth, what...
This war’s not over yet
Hayden Ramsay: Loss of sense a good lesson
I’m recuperating from a nasty bout of covid. It had many unwelcome effects. Surprisingly, complete loss of smell has been if not the hardest, the saddest. I used to teach St Thomas Aquinas and enjoyed very much his profound reverence for our bodily lives. Reconciling this reverence with the even more ancient Christian commitment to […]
Philippa Martyr: When the COVID police arrived
God has such a sense of humour: the Glendalough parish church was semi-raided by a zealous police officer on the feast of St Blaise. My first thought was that, as St Blaise is the patron of sore throats, this was entirely appropriate. But a friend pointed out that St Blaise – a doctor as well […]
This January try some hindsight
I’ll start the year by doing something very Roman – looking backwards. January is named after the Roman god Janus, who had two faces – one that looked forward, and one that looked backward.
Simcha Fisher: Habits we’ll keep after Covid time
Everyone in the world is at different stages of the pandemic, so it’s hard to tell if it’s the right time for this essay or not. But from where I stand, things are . . . maybe sort of kind of wrapping up? No one ever promised the vaccine was magic or that we’re guaranteed […]