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Thursday, February 13, 2025
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Church must help counter resistance to vaccines, health care expert 

Vatican launches new resource kit for leaders, families.

Course tackles the big questions

Natasha Marsh and David Schütz realised that they shared a passion to re-animate Catholic adult education.

Simcha Fisher: It’s ok to say I just don’t know

My friend Nora said, "If this past year wasn't the year you learned to say 'I don't know' and 'the data isn't clear yet'...

The wait is over – Catholics return in big numbers to...

Just 12 months ago, cathedrals and churches across the nation and around the world stood empty and closed as the pandemic took its toll, leading to the first Easter not celebrated in the usual way since the time of the Spanish Flu in Australia shortly after the First world War.

School sports kick off

After a long and sport-less year, students, parents and teachers across New South Wales can look forward to a return of school and representative...

Brazil bishops plead for oxygen

In one Amazon city, COVID patients are dying from lack of oxygen in hospitals.

New Greater Sydney rules: masks at Mass and congregations of 100

Premier Berejiklian defended her decision on the go-ahead for the New Year's Test as necessary to preserve jobs and keep public morale high

Archbishop welcomes CDF statement on COVID vaccines

Using these vaccines is morally licit when the "passive material cooperation" with the evil of an abortion "from which these cell lines originate is, on the part of those making use of the resulting vaccines, remote."

Sydney churches revert to 4-square-metre rule

Restrictions would be reviewed on Thursday 24 December ahead of Christmas Masses, the Premier said.

Archbishop laments missed chance for Australia on vaccine

Embracing an ethically untroubling alternative would also have maximised the chances of all Australians electing to receive it, Archbishop Fisher pointed out

Cabin Mass a High Point

The Shire landscaper is one of thousands of people watching the online offerings by Cronulla’s St Aloysius, and he says he has never felt...

Parents ‘all clear’ to return to school grounds

After a long year away, parents and carers have been given the green light to return to school grounds. It’s been nearly eight months since...
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