Tag: Doctor of the Church
Q and A with Fr John Flader: More on the primacy...
Dear Fr John Flader, You have written that the primacy of the Pope over the Church was accepted by the whole Church in the first centuries? What other indications of this acceptance are there?
Future doctor of the church? Benedict XVI scholars say German professor-pope stands the...
By Maria Wiering
Beginning well before he was elected pope in 2005, Pope Benedict XVI made substantial contributions to theology and Catholic thought through his prolific writing,...
Irenaeus: the Doctor of Unity
On 7 October this year, Pope Francis announced that he plans to name St Irenaeus of Lyon as the 37th Doctor of the Church, giving him the title “Doctor of Unity”. The tradition of calling certain Christians doctors (teachers) of the Church, goes back to the Middle Ages, when theologians of that time recognised four […]