Tag: Eucharistic Adoration
Archbishop Anthony Fisher OP: Jesus is not just the great fisherman...
This is the edited text of the homily given by Archbishop Anthony Fisher OP at the Mass for the Friday of the 53rd International Eucharistic Congress Quito, Ecuador, 13 September 2024.
Congress calls on Catholics to “Walk with One,” evangelise through “spiritual...
At the close of the National Eucharistic Congress' final Mass, Bishop Andrew H Cozzens of Crookston, Minnesota, asked the crowd of 60,000 gathered in Lucas Oil Stadium if they would identify one person in their life to intentionally evangelise.
New study says 69 per cent of Massgoers believe in Real...
A new study suggests that Catholic belief in the Real Presence may be higher than previous data indicated — but measuring that belief accurately remains a tricky task for researchers.
Record crowds return to Walk With Christ
In prams and in wheelchairs, hand-in-hand and on foot, generations of Catholics from every Rite and religious order across Sydney converged together at the mother church as 15,000 witnesses this Corpus Christi.
Conversions and amazing encounters mark National Eucharistic Pilgrimage’s first 10 days
As we celebrate the feast of Corpus Christi today, many are experiencing conversion and the love of God as the National Eucharist Pilgrimage takes Jesus to the streets.
23 pilgrims on two-month Eucharistic pilgrimage will carry Jesus across the...
One of the largest Eucharistic pilgrimages in history will take place across the continental United States from 17 May to 16 July.
Q and A with Fr John Flader: Eucharistic Adoration
Dear Father, I have noticed that more parishes in Australia have Eucharistic adoration. Do we know how this practice developed in the Church?
Prayers rise for peace in Holy Land as conflict worsens
Sydney’s Catholics answered Pope Francis’s call for a special day of fasting and prayer for peace on 27 October as death and destruction continued to rage in the Holy Land.
Rooty Hill parish is Adoration’s latest home
Establishing chapels of Perpetual Eucharistic Adoration has been Fr Hugh Thomas’ life’s work.
A Redemptorist Missionary Priest for 57 years, he has inspired more than...
Families to flock to online Holy Hour in lockdown
Families across Sydney and beyond are warmly invited to an online Holy Hour on 30 September.
Sydney to host prayer for lockdown-weary hearts
Sister Anastasia Reeves OP is inviting all Sydney Catholics to an online Holy Hour for the spiritual needs of people and parishes.
Sydney prays in preparation for ‘Go Make Disciples’
Sydney parishes and other Eucharistic communities are being invited to participate in a prayer campaign with a new prayer card