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Tag: Euthanasia legislation

ACT considers bizarre notion of human rights

By year’s end each state and territory, with exception of the Northern Territory, will have enacted legislation to enable euthanasia.

South Australian deaths rise to 12 in first 3 months of...

Almost 30 South Australians secured a voluntary assisted dying permit and 12 have died in the first three months of the scheme according to the state’s first report.

Monica Doumit: A fight well worth picking

The legalised ending of human lives is spreading across the nation - the latest fad for virtue-signalling ignorant politicians. The Long March to end...

Don’t do this, NSW!

Excluding religious perspectives from the discussion over euthanasia is “rejecting the views of one of the chief providers of end-of-life care”, Archbishop Anthony Fisher...

Dr Bernadette Tobin: Legalise Euthanasia: watch it break out

To legalise so-called voluntary assisted dying is to legalise a practice that predictably and inevitably expands. There is plenty of evidence of bracket creep...

Editorial: Euthanasia’s backers: all talk, no answers

In recent weeks The Catholic Weekly has devoted its editorial attention to the issue of euthanasia and the purely emotive campaign which underpins current...

Go away and die: message received by Stephanie Packer

When Californian mother of four Stephanie Packer was admitted to an intensive care unit in June, and put on a ventilator, her children were...

Dying law is not delayed

Media reports that proposed euthanasia and assisted suicide laws have been delayed in the New South Wales parliament are misleading, say pro-life campaigners.

Euthanasia’s devastation: bad luck for the have-nots in our brave new...

Imagine a world in which there are two classes of people. The A Class are people whose lives are sacred. Their right to life is...

Archbishop’s plea to NSW MPs

Proposed laws would place doctors in a fundamentally compromised position, said Archbishop Fisher.

Queensland bill kills conscience

Archbishop Anthony Fisher OP is calling on Catholics in NSW to fight the push for assisted suicide laws in the state after Queensland lost...

Fight NSW dying law: former PM

Former Prime Minister Tony Abbott has urged Catholics to write to their local state MPs, warning proposed euthanasia laws in NSW would fundamentally undermine...
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