Tag: Fertility
Teaching love to university students
Later this year, population experts and pronatalists will meet in Texas to explore practical solutions to declining worldwide fertility. It’s one of several signs that attitudes to fertility rates are shifting.
The Ecology of the Body
Since the publication of Humanae Vitae in 1968, fertility awareness has come a long way. Our nature-interested age is primed to make natural fertility normal again, write Francine and Byron Pirola.
We need to talk about “unplanned childlessness”
Our culture warns kids about unplanned pregnancies, but are we honest about the risk of delaying fertility? While a couple’s decisions and circumstances should be respected, having kids isn’t as simple as we wish, write Francine and Byron Pirola.
We need more children, not less, to solve problems attributed to...
When you try to stuff the child gap with mass migration, you find yourself with thousands of adults appearing literally overnight. They need houses, schools, jobs, and shops right now. They can’t wait 18 years for them. No wonder everyone is concerned about the falling population.
Australian trailblazers and potential married saints
Inspiring legacy of John and Evelyn Billings; a married couple, both doctors, set out to study the signs of fertility. What they discovered changed...
Natural Fertility and the Gift of Life
When Eliza Seggara saw first hand the struggles her sister Mary-Jane had had with having a baby over ten years ago, she was left...
Unlocking the beauty of Humanae Vitae
Well over half a century after it was written, St Pope Paul VI’s landmark encyclical continues shaping family life
When Ivica and Maria Kovac married...
Fertility’s freefall hastened by pandemic
The new census data will provide better insight into why our fertility rate is in freefall, said the lead scientist of a longitudinal study...
How a woman’s fertility health affects her overall health
Free webinar will unpack key insights into proven method
Few women realise that a woman’s fertility hormones control more than her cycle and ovulation. They...
Steven Buhagiar: Is motherhood going out of fashion?
Treasuring the maternal genius
We often ask our daughters the question, “What do you want to be when you get older?” Invariably, we receive answers...
Couples conceiving alternatives to IVF
Fertility will always be a mystery, but many find pregnancy possible with evidence-based approach.
Simcha Fisher: Catholicism without Christ
More and more secular women are discovering that they can use technology to track their natural biomarkers, helping them make informed choices about their...