Tag: Fr Josh Miechels
Sixteen children baptised at Easter in Berala
At the Easter Vigil this year, St Peter Chanel and St Joseph the Worker parish welcomed 16 children from the parish schools as new members of the church through the Rite of Baptism, many of whom had first learned about God through their school.
Palm Sunday: Behold the man
One of the fundamental questions at the heart of contemporary Western culture concerns what it means to be a man. Do men have a place in our culture anymore? How should men act? How can he love and protect those entrusted to his care? How can he air his concerns without them being immediately smacked down because they are different?
Fr Josh Miechels: the Cardinal I knew really cared about people
Cardinal Pell's influence didn't come from his position in the Vatican, but from his care for people, and willingness to bear costs personally
The lacunas of the Plenary
Contrary to a lot of commentary - some in this paper - there was a lot of good stuff which came out of the...
Synodality means putting the Church first
What does synodality actually mean? Look to authentic liturgical life for answers, writes Fr Josh Miechels
The Mission? It’s you
Much of the Plenary Council discussions seem to be around ‘what people need’, ‘what best connects with Australians today’ or ‘what can people do’....
Fr Josh Miechels: French village touches God
If you ever visit this little corner of France, you can encounter the heart of the crucified Jesus
I thought I understood Paray but I...
Fr Josh Miechels: What do we need? Saints
What the world desperately needs most from the Church is saints.
This is my understanding of what Sebastian Condon was saying in a column in The...
Padre in Paris: Fr Josh’s Mission trip to France
Australia’s lone Emmanuel Community priest, Fr Josh Miechels, is embarking on a two year mission trip to Paris
Fr Josh Miechels: Bringing parishes alive
Just recently, Pope Francis asked the parishes of the world to change.
He makes this clear in the very title of the Instruction he personally...
Priest’s podcast afire with God’s love
With The Furnace Fr Josh Miechels aims at drawing people to the heart of Jesus with daily short homilies.
Fr Josh Miechels: good ideas and a few howlers in Plenary...
These are the questions all of us - lay, consecrated and clergy - have the task to answer in a life of missionary holiness.