Tag: God
Creativity is a fine antidote for our existential angst
The intelligence and imagination that created Voyager 1, and that has kept us in contact with our “most distant emissary,” testify to the spiritual nature of human beings, says George Weigel.
Philippa Martyr: Say ‘enough’ when the world says ‘more!’
Last Lent I wrote about the seven deadly sins, starting with gluttony. I’ll go in the same order with the virtues, which means we’ll start with temperance or moderation.
Philippa Martyr: Time isn’t ordinary if you spend it with God
It’s now our first bit of Ordinary Time—the little patch of green between the joy of Christmas (ahh) and the joy of Lent (yikes).
Philippa Martyr: Give God your future, only he knows what it...
I love buying a new diary. I remind myself what I did this last year. That doesn't stop me from doing it again.
Robyne Ferri’s LA party lifestyle was transformed by God’s grace
Working in a bar by day and hitting the dance floor at night, Robyne Ferri 's life in Los Angeles was being helped by evil forces.
Fr John Flader: Mrs Peterson’s conversion
In 2019 Tammy, who had been baptised a Protestant, was diagnosed with a rare, aggressive form of kidney cancer which is 100 per cent fatal.
Melto D’Moronoyo: Love unites and perfects everything in us
Goodness, truth, and beauty are joined to our souls through the uniting power of love: that is its fruit. Love is a divine impulse. It comes from God in its perfect form, and as it reaches us, draws us higher, uniting us to all which is united with God (and so frees us from all which is separated from him).
A deep longing for God
Sr Kathleen Lee is a postulant at the Carmel of Goonellabah, a suburb of Lismore in north-eastern New South Wales. The community is dedicated...
Simcha Fisher: When prayer is triggering
Confusing feelings and distractions in prayer can teach us
I had a baffling prayer experience the other morning. In retrospect, the solution was fairly obvious,...
Philippa Martyr: A resolution for 2022: live your faith
I’m celebrating Christmas this year by quoting – for the first time – a John Lennon song in The Catholic Weekly. (My apologies to Paul Catalanotto, who hates this song).
Inspiration and faith, being a catechist
Anne tells blessings of being Catholic scripture teacher
It has been three years now since I answered my call to become a Catechist. Looking back,...
Mark Shea: The Four Senses of Scripture: Part 3 The Moral...
Part 3 of a series on the Four Senses of Scripture
One of the big things Jesus emphasises is that deeds matter more than words. ...