Tag: Halloween
Death, Gard and a big bag of lollies
The Holy Souls, on the other hand, need us to take them and their cause very seriously. They’re not mucking around, and so neither should we, writes Dr Philippa Martyr.
Sydney swaps the spooky for the saintly
The annual celebration of All Hallows Eve saw kids from across Sydney swap the spooky for the saintly as they marked the Catholic Solemnity by dressing up as some of the church’s holiest men and women.
The Cutest Saints
The true meaning of Halloween, All Hallow’s Eve, may not have been forgotten by the secular world and replaced with scary costumes and candy,...
Halloween: is nothing safe from the PC thought police?
Read the ABC’s guidelines on its webpage Life about what to wear and what not to wear on Halloween and the comments by the...