Tag: Hong Kong
George Weigel: Support for Jimmy Lai shows Christian courage
As chief executive of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region, John Lee is the principal enforcer of the Chinese communist regime’s ever-tightening chokehold on...
Let’s pray for Cardinal Zen
By Our Sunday Visitor Editorial Board
If you wonder about China’s attitude to the Church, putting a 91-year-old on trial makes it pretty clear
“Martyrdom is...
Hong Kong: Wiping Out Both Memory and Speech
Individual and collective memory is an essential - though notoriously unstable - human element.
For those who have lived and suffered under injustice and totalitarianism...
George Weigel: Where is the Vatican as Chinese faithful suffer?
Joshua Wong is a young Chinese human rights activist, recently sentenced to 13 and a half months in prison on the Orwellian charge of...
George Weigel: Time to revise Vatican policy
During a short papal flight from Boston to New York on October 2, 1979, Father Jan Schotte (later a cardinal but then a low-ranking...
No-one is bound to desert China’s faithful
Cardinal Parolin, he has bluntly told media, is misleading Pope Francis on the whole issue.
Hong Kong cancels Masses amid fears
Bishop halt all Masses including Ash Wednesday liturgies to curb the spread of COVID-19.
Thousands gather for Tiananmen vigil
Hong Kong's largest crowd gathered for the 30th anniversary of the Tiananmen Square massacre.