Tag: Humility
Archbishop Anthony Fisher OP: The Vineyard’s humble workers
This is the edited text of the homily given by Archbishop Anthony Fisher OP for the Mass of the Thirty-First Sunday in Ordinary Time, Year A.
Craig Arthur: Indigenous Australians’ resilience humbles us all
Following the Voice to Parliament referendum, we find ourselves in a moment of solemn reflection. We contemplate the deep historical significance of the path our nation has chosen, a path too familiar to the Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Peoples.
Fr Daniel McCaughan: Humility is the foundation of every vocation
Have you ever wondered what your vocation is? Have you thought to the possibility that God might be asking great things of you? Have you ever considered the reality that if you open yourself to grace, God can change the world through you?
Palm Sunday: Following our humble Lord
God who reigns over all of creation accepts to be one of us, suffering unimaginable pain and distress, and is executed and buried in the depths of the earth. In doing so, the Father reveals who God is to us and opens to us the way to rise with his Son into glory and share in God’s very life and happiness.
Philippa Martyr: Putting others in front is how you leave your...
Here we are at Palm Sunday for our last and deadliest sin: pride. If you’ve ever tried spiritual direction, you usually start by asking yourself, “What is my root sin, the sin that seems to be lurking behind all my other ones?”
Monica Doumit: Humility is pride’s antidote
I have to say that I have been quite conflicted over the last couple of weeks about how to respond to the 17-day “celebration”...
Philippa Martyr: Priests of celebrity vs those of humility
Sometimes when we’re at Mass on a Sunday with a lacklustre celebrant, it’s tempting to start thinking about how great it would be to...
Simcha Fisher: The battle for humility
Several years ago, I started saying a novena to St Michael. There were several serious situations that needed rescue, and I thought, there's clearly...
Simcha Fisher: Humility in parenting can help heal the past
Reflecting on how you fail your kids can help you grow
My brother is a therapist, and he says his clients don't talk much about...