Tag: Kevin Donnelly
Review: “Wake up to Woke” by Kevin Donnelly
Dr Kevin Donnelly’s latest book, “Wake up to Woke,” sees the defeat of the Voice to Parliament referendum as a turning point in Australian history in which common sense halted the march of “woke” ideology. His new work is a timely call to arms for those who wish to fight back, writes Rocco Loiacono.
Don’t be silent: the time to protect the freedom of religious...
With the Australian Law Reform Commission calling for responses to its consultation paper regarding religious freedom for schools and other educational institutions it’s urgent...
Former PM Tony Abbott launches new book on Christianity’s importance
Former Prime Minister Tony Abbott said the recent passing of euthanasia laws in NSW has highlighted the extent to which fundamental Christian values have...
EXCLUSIVE: Cardinal George Pell – A Timeless Faith
Catholics, like all Christians, are monotheists who believe in the one true God, Creator of heaven and earth; of our small miraculous world, unique...
Former PM to launch new book on Christian faith’s timeless relevance
Culture wars
Such is the destructive impact of the culture wars and political correctness, now rebadged as being woke, the British philosopher and cultural commentator...
Kevin Donnelly: Silence not an option in writing new book
Hobart’s Archbishop Porteous in his book titled Foundations - Preparing the Church In Australia For The Plenary Council And Beyond, describes the challenges and...
Kevin Donnelly: Political Correctness and the distortion of language
Such is the insidious evil of distorting language and imposing group think
Kevin Donnelly: Free speech is essential
Banning debate creates a dictatorship
Swamped as it has been by the daily news of stories like the coronavirus it’s understandable why so little attention...
The dark side of political correctness
"The PC movement is mad and dangerous," says popular author and Australian Catholic University Fellow Kevin Donnelly.
"Instead of being able to discuss issues in...
Glaring double standard on Sri Lanka bombings
Bombings demonstrate persecution
The horrific and evil bombing attacks on Christian churches in Sri Lanka, where approximately 253 worshippers were killed and hundreds injured, illustrate...
Kevin Donnelly: When the centre cannot hold
Gone are the times when marriage was solely a sacrament involving a woman and a man for the purpose of procreation, people dressed discreetly...
When the centre does not hold
Gone are the times when marriage was solely a sacrament involving a woman and a man for the purpose of procreation, people dressed discreetly...