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Tag: Laudato Si

Meatless Fridays back? US bishops discuss ways to celebrate 10 years...

During their fall general assembly 13 November, US Bishops included the suggestion of returning to the church's long-time practice of abstaining from meat on Fridays.

Keep the poor, vulnerable at centre of COP 29 climate gathering,...

The poor and vulnerable must be front and centre when it comes to climate change policies, said two leading bishops of the Catholic Church in the US and the head of the US church's international humanitarian agency, in a statement issued ahead of the United Nations' annual gathering on climate concerns.

The climate crisis needs urgent and necessary action

In this Season of Creation we must take seriously Pope Francis’ frustrations with the slow response to the climate crisis and environmental harms to our common home. While much depends on governments, ordinary Catholics can discuss the Holy Father’s teaching and take action in their own lives, writes Sr Maureen Salmon of the Sisters of St Joseph Lochinvar.

The next generation of environmental leaders

At 14 years old, Francisco Vera is different from other teens his age, having already established an initiative with his friends called "Guardians for Life," to advocate for the environment.   

Pope Francis: We must not be predators of creation

In his message for the World Day of Prayer for the Care of Creation, Pope Francis asked humanity not to become arrogant. He said humans must change from being "predators" of the world to "farmers" of the Earth, which God entrusted to man.

Southern Cross Care launches its environmental action plan

Southern Cross Care NSW & ACT has launched its first action plan inspired by Laudato si', titled Living Care: Plan for People and Planet 2024-2027.

Archdiocese of Sydney launches Laudato Si’ toolkit to help parishes care...

The kit offers practical ways that individuals, families, parishes and schools, can engage with Pope Francis’s encyclical on the environment

Eco conversion priority

Australia’s natural environment is under increasing stress and has one of the highest rates of species decline in the world, according to a government...

Caring for Creation

By Linda Curtis To help mark the seventh anniversary of Pope Francis’ encyclical on creation care, Laudato Si, the student leaders of St Mary's primary...

Mark Shea: The implications are cosmic

As we saw, the Christians at Corinth somehow seemed to have accepted the idea that Jesus was raised from the dead but found it incredible to believe we could be likewise raised in a glorified body.

To read the full article, log in to your Catholic Weekly digital edition, or become a subscriber now.

Mark Shea: Be confident in the Gospel

Last time in this space we discussed the embarrassment of a Catholic school forbidding its students to wear their uniforms to a climate change...

Encyclical letter inspires classrooms lessons

St Charles’ Catholic Primary School Waverley lead the way on Laudato Si Six years after Pope Francis wrote his encyclical letter on care for the...
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