Tag: Medical Ethics
Monica Doumit: Baby Indi’s family ‘dragged through hell’ fighting for the...
Indi Gregory died last week, aged just eight-and-a-half months. She had mitochondrial disease, a deadly and fatal genetic condition.
Sydney doctors warn against moves to legalise euthanasia
Urgent need highlighted for greater palliative care in NSW
Sydney doctors and members of the Australian Catholic Medical Association specialising in the field of palliative...
Catholics back archbishops on vaccine
Archbishop Fisher has support from Catholics who say an ethical option will boost vaccination uptake.
Alarm at radical assisted suicide plan
Proposed law would extend access to persons without a definite prognosis.
Margaret Somerville: Withdrawing artificial hydration and nutrition
Withdrawing artificial delivery of food and water to patients can be ethically complex
It can be unethical to withdraw artificial hydration and nutrition and doing...
Three-person IVF poses grave concerns
Ethicists are concerned that so-called ‘three-person IVF’ could become legal in Australia.