Tag: Missionaries of God’s Love
Lighting the flame of faith: The Alight Women’s Retreat
As women across Sydney brace themselves for the hustle and bustle of the Advent season, the opportunity to take a pause and replenish their faith in readiness, might seem like one Christmas wish too far.
Fr Vijay ordained for Missionaries of God’s Love
Growing up in India, a young Vijay Thomas dreamed of following in St John Paul II’s footsteps. If his journey takes him all the way to the top, the recently-ordained MGL priest’s journey will have started at St Declan’s Penshurst, writes Terrie Yule.
Two more priests ordained for MGLs
When Archbishop Christopher Prowse ordained Missionaries of God’s Love (MGL) Joshua Whicker and Justin Uzabeaga to the priesthood on 28 April it was a special moment for the friends who have known each other since they were teenagers.
Vocations to MGLs flourish
Three young men made life-long vows to religious life as Missionaries of God’s Love this month, as the home-grown congregation continues to flourish.
Moment of grace for Brother Steve Drum
Brother Stephen Drum says his ordination to the diaconate was a moment of pure grace.
Toying with taking a gap year
With the HSC exams close to finishing, thousands of Year 12 high school students will be faced with the existential question: where to from...
The Beat of Faith
While the Church at large seems at a loss to know quite how to re-engage young people, the Missionaries of God’s Love, a rapidly...