Tag: Morality
For Christians, there is no “point of no return”
I have read and taught Shakespeare’s Macbeth many times. This tragic reflection on human nature remains ever-relevant, especially for those of us who are so stuck in destructive cycles that we feel we cannot ever recover, writes Anthony Cleary
Monica Doumit: On board Jordan Peterson’s ARC, I met people of...
“We shall overcome because the arc of the moral universe is long, it bends toward justice,” Martin Luther King Jr once famously said.
Simcha Fisher: What are your kids reading? Do you trust them...
When my family used to homeschool, I used to interrogate myself about which was be worse: The horrible knowledge that I was in charge of everything they would learn that day? Or (if we switched to someone else teaching) the horrible knowledge I wasn’t in charge of anything they would learn that day?
Monica Doumit: Can Tasmania tolerate clear Catholic teaching on marriage and...
If you want to know the end-game of those pushing to remove exemptions for religious schools in anti-discrimination law, you only need to look at what has been happening in Tasmania. A new curriculum for Year 11 and Year 12 religion is planned to begin next year.
George Weigel: High stakes in moral theology debates
As the estimable Larry Chapp recently put it on his blog, Gaudium et Spes 22, “the deepest, most important, most contentious, most divisive, and most destructive debates [after Vatican II] surrounded moral theology, especially after Humanae Vitae and the massive dissent from it that followed.”
WA decision overturns discrimination against Christians
Perth couple Byron and Keira Hordyk hope that their five-year religious discrimination battle against a foster care agency will give hope to all Christians...
The monarchy – ever ancient, ever new
The outpouring of popular feeling on Queen Elizabeth II’s death has highlighted certain truths about present-day political life, not only in the UK but...
School by school, activists pick off targets
Did Citipointe Christian College single-handedly blow up any chance we had of getting the Religious Discrimination Bill across the line during this term of parliament?
Faith, science and vaccines
For many Catholics, discussions about vaccination have turned into arguments as the pandemic has dragged on. The Catholic Weekly offers this Q&A with American doctor Gwyneth Spaeder, edited for length, as a source of information on the COVID-19 vaccine.
Faith amid the Pandemic
Australia is lagging behind many other countries with comparable populations in the rollout of the COVID-19 vaccine. While government ineptitude is at least partly...
Q&A with Fr John Flader: The courage to be faithful
“Dear Father, I recently read that a Catholic organisation that operates several hospitals has declared that it will close its hospitals if they are...
Call on PM to embrace ethical vaccines
Key archbishops unite in saying many will be troubled by a vaccine linked to abortion.