Tag: NSW abortion legislation
Bishop Umbers encourages Social Media for Pro-Lifers
Sydney Bishop Richard Umbers has urged pro-life Catholics to use social media to voice their opposition to the injustice of abortion
Monica Doumit: No show a sign of disrespect
Anyone who has seen the film The Passion of the Christ will recall the brutal scourging scene, which lasts for some six-and-a-half minutes. Less...
Beware consequences, prolifers warn Berejiklian government
If the Berejiklian government fails to prevent sex-selection abortions, infanticide on demand and guarantee the conscience rights of healthcare professionals it faces serious political consequences
Pro-choice equals No-choice
They call themselves “pro-choice”: yet what choice do the promoters of the abortion bill offer the unborn? Death, no reason given, up to 22 weeks
Kevin Connolly: I stand for life, no matter the cost
I knew from the start that politics is a numbers game and the numbers were unlikely to align with me. Nevertheless I came to the realisation that standing up for life was so fundamentally important to a decent, civilised society that it would be worth doing even if victory was not achieved.