Tag: Ordination to the Priesthood
US archdiocese welcomes largest class of priestly ordinations in almost 2...
The Archdiocese of St Paul and Minneapolis ordained its largest class of priests in 19 years, giving hope to all all following difficult times.
Opus Dei welcomes 29 new priests in Rome
The Opus Dei community has welcomed 29 new priests. Among them is Wai Leung, a 35-year-old from Hong Kong who converted to Catholicism at the age of 17.
Dream comes true for Vinco after mother’s donation
After a long and arduous journey towards priesthood, Fr Vinco Muriyadan of the Archdiocese of Hobart was ordained in Kerala, India, on 27 November...
On their Way to the priesthood
Having grown up worlds apart Deacons Željko Evetović and Ronny Jose D’Cruz will be ordained together by Archbishop Anthony Fisher OP at St Mary’s Cathedral on 4 November at 10:30am.
Deacons ready to help others to find the path as priests
Different paths drew Deacons Richard Sofatzis and Matthew Lukaszewicz deep into their faith but they now share a call to go out to the...
Fr Sheldon Burke CRS ordained to share the mercy of God
Archbishop Timothy Costelloe SDB was joined by more than 50 priests and religious and hundreds of joyful faithful at Perth’s St Mary’s Cathedral on 17 June for the priestly ordination of Somascan Fr Sheldon Nicholus Maria Burke CRS.
Two more priests ordained for MGLs
When Archbishop Christopher Prowse ordained Missionaries of God’s Love (MGL) Joshua Whicker and Justin Uzabeaga to the priesthood on 28 April it was a special moment for the friends who have known each other since they were teenagers.