Tag: Parental Rights
Child safety or virtue signalling?
While I am happy to delay the use of Instagram and Snapchat amongst kids for as long as possible, I’m wary of a government ban when they are so willing to ignore other real and present dangers to the wellbeing of children, writes Monica Doumit.
With respect to the court, puberty blockers have come a long...
A Victorian Supreme Court judge recently said that decisions around giving a 12-year-old puberty blockers is equivalent to making a decision about whether chemotherapy should be given to a patient with cancer. The comparison was both wrong and alarming, writes Monica Doumit.
No time to lose to amend ‘sincere’ but flawed conversion therapy...
There is no time to lose in asking your state MP to make crucial amendments to the NSW Government’s conversion therapy bill.
Q and A with Fr John Flader: Grandparents and baptism
My married children do not practise their faith and, in spite of the encouragement of my wife and me, they have not had their...
Parental rights backed
NSW Legislative Council committee report backs parental rights in draft Latham gender legislation.
Parents will have a legal right to withdraw their children from classes...
Monica Doumit: Keeping parents in the dark
Draft law before the NSW Parliament needs your support
Should schools be allowed to hide from parents what and when they are teaching students about...
Parent’s rights focus of NSW education bill
Archbishop Fisher supports affirming parents as the primary educators of their children.